IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/27Prescientbecya9iCheckmate, Sente is victorious89 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/27uniscopePrescientSente resigned, Gote is victorious36 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/05/19 11:13:39BOUYATETSU5 六段shuppatusinko 三段Gote to play1 moveKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/19saginomiya0sezuPrescientCheckmate, Gote is victorious104 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/19GUEST_9290f6PrescientSente to play118 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/19PrescientGUEST_d8358dGote resigned, Sente is victorious81 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/19PrescientNmyk85Checkmate, Sente is victorious71 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/18PrescientOk_SeiGote resigned, Sente is victorious95 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/18PrescientGUEST_693c5aSente resigned, Gote is victorious34 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/06/18PrescientGUEST_849c73Checkmate, Gote is victorious72 movesKIF import by Eidolon