Peanatsu's "western" piece set and colour-differentiated version (css files, Stylus plugin)

In Spring 2021, Peanatsu created a wonderful western-style set of pieces for shogi: see

He wrote: "I made a western style piece set designed to make it as easy as possible for players used to western chess to pick up shogi. I think a lot of chess players are really itching to try out shogi, but are deterred by the lack of an easy piece set."

I agree. That aspect is very important, for many shogi beginners and potential players. So, I'm happy that Peanatsu's set was readily added on *lishogi* (in 2021): it's the *piece set named "western"*.

I find this piece set far better than any other attempt at making shogi user-friendly for western chess players. I like it very much, including the important detail of the promoted silver (see, again, the forum post linked above).

Anyway, there is still an annoying obstacle. In proper Japanese shogi, "opposing pieces are differentiated by orientation and not by colour". But, for anyone who is used to western chess and other similar games, the colour differentiation is not easily renounceable.

(On the other hand, keeping the Japanese-style *orientation* of the tiles makes sense and is not a problem at all. The opposite choice would create new problems, "since the generals' way of moving is represented by their symbol", etc.)

The colour differentiation is not easily renounceable for western chess players, and several lishogi piece sets do have some sort of colour differentiation for player one vs. player two. In particular, this kind of colour differentiation is strong and evident for the piece sets named "Engraved - black and white" and "Shogi - black and white". (Even two of the few piece sets available for shogi *on pychess* have this feature - black and white.)

Some other lishogi piece sets, *including Peanatsu's "western"*, have only a very slight colour differentiation for the tiles (symbols' background) of player one vs. player two. Such a slight difference is useless for practical purposes, only a little aesthetic detail that cannot catch the eye.

In June 2021, after the suggestion of another player (Ugalde), Peanatsu himself made two alternative versions of his set of pieces, with the colour differentiation for player one vs. player two: see the second page of the same forum thread,

They are
- "the brown piece version" and
- "the pure black/white/red version".

Unfortunately, none of the two was made available on lishogi. Not even the *brown* version, which is the better of the two.

They are available as userstyle css files for the "Stylus" browser plugin. Now, January 2025, I have installed Stylus (for Chrome) and followed the instructions (same page of the lishogi forum), but it doesn't seem to work properly. The only lishogi page where my browser correctly displays the colour-differentiated tiles is *the editor page*,
Even on that page, something is wrong: the modified pieces are only on the sides, and not inside the board. See this screenshot,

What does that depend on? It's only my problem, or something general? It depends on some version update and the like? I'm not a programmer, so I can't fix the problem by myself.

Who can help me? Thank you!

Emanuele, Italy

[I'd like to propose some further improvements, but that's not so important. The starting point is always Peanatsu's "western", of course!
Improvement 1. All the pieces, promoted or not, have black symbols for Black and white symbols for White. The colour of the tiles is neutral (for example gray or brown) for the unpromoted pieces, and red for the promoted ones.
Improvement 2. Two different promotion colours: the promotion colour could be red or orange for the major pieces (rooks and bishops), and yellow for the others -- gold-shaded yellow, since they all move as golds.]

Tried with another browser too (Firefox). No difference: same problem.

You can't post in the forums yet. Play some games!
