Sickle Weasel Strategy (Kamaitachi Opening)

9 - Tepin -
  1. Eishun Suzuki (Game 1)
  2. Eishun Suzuki (Game 2)
  3. Eishun Suzuki (Game 3)
  4. Eishun Suzuki (Game 4)
  1. Tepin

Migi Gyoku

9 - koshiro -
  1. O que é migi gyoku
  2. 深浦康市 九段 - 藤井聡太 七段
  3. Kaza guruma Migi gyoku
  4. Kaku kokan Kaza guruma Migi gyoku
  1. koshiro

Defeating the 4th file rook. (In progress)

  1. Preface
  2. --Sente static vs Gote 4th file--
  3. Introdution to the repertorie.
  4. Chapter 1: △G41-52 mainline
  2. amanozyku

How to defend against Bougin for Static Rook Player

9 - Dumulu -
  1. INTRO
  2. Yagura Vs Bougin Complete opening Sente
  3. Yagura Vs Bougin 1
  4. Yagura Vs Bougin 1.1
  1. Dumulu

How to defeat Ureshino (WIP)

  1. Introduction
  2. Step to build up
  3. S-46
  2. potnoodlechef

Static Rook Anaguma | A beginner's guide (Work In Progress)

9 - Splnter -
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: At the start of the game
  3. Chapter 2: Preparing the castle
  4. Chapter 3: Making the castle against Anaguma
  1. Splnter

[FR]Gokigen nakabisha : Partie 2 - G-58

8 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence et développement
  2. L*66
  3. B*33 : gote P*57
  1. KatZ

Side Pawn Picker Yuki Style

8 - Splnter -
  1. Chapter 1: Getting to side pawn picker
  2. Chapter 2: Side pawn picker initial position
  3. Chapter 3: B-33 and Yuki Style
  4. Chapter 4: Yuki style development ideas.
  1. Splnter

Shogi Kuzou's 100 Problems by Kanju Itou (Meijin) - Problem 65-100

8 - lvshaegurista -
  1. Problem 65
  2. Problem 66
  3. Problem 67
  4. Problem 68
  1. lvshaegurista

Various viewed and commented on games...

8 - Alexei -
  1. vnamese_shogi_player - KillerDucky
  2. sschair6 - KillerDucky
  3. Valtagon - ShogiExplained
  4. TheDinkster - ErwinSmith
  1. Alexei
  2. ohithere

[FR]Ishida Style Partie 1 : Introduction

8 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Piège à éviter
  3. Attaque Ishida acceptée : P-84, échange de fou
  4. Attaque Ishida acceptée : P-84, base de la ligne principale
  1. KatZ

How To Use the Flatfish Opening

8 - JShogi75 -
  1. Main Line
  2. Flatfish Castle
  3. A.I. level 1 - JShogi75
  1. JShogi75

Migishiken vs shikenbisha

8 - Lukas1 -
  1. Migishiken bisha Rapid attack
  1. Lukas1


8 - dax00 -
  1. 2手目 5五歩
  1. dax00

Ito Sokan tsume (part 1)

8 - Olekaze -
  1. #1?
  2. #1 Solution (short)
  3. #2
  4. #2 Solution
  1. dax00
  2. Olekaze
  3. Galago

[FR]Nakabisha Partie 6 : Nakabisha Vs Bougin

8 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Bougin primitif, diagonale fermée
  3. Bougin primitif, diagonale ouverte.
  1. KatZ