Next move problems season 2

11 - ch_suginami -
  1. Introduction
  2. Problem #1
  3. Problem #2
  1. Axera
  2. ch_suginami

45 pawn quick attack vs ranging rook

11 - yoshiF7d -
  1. vs 4th file rook + 43 silver
  2. vs 4th file rook + 32 silver
  3. vs 4th file rook + 43 silver + 32 gold
  4. vs 4th file rook + 43 silver + 32 gold (black)
  1. yoshiF7d

Tsume in 3 moves from Nintendo

11 - vdk -
  1. NO. 1
  2. NO. 2
  3. NO. 3
  4. NO. 4
  1. vdk

Right Hand King (Bishop exchanged) | A summary

11 - Splnter -
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: The basics of Bishop Exchange
  3. Chapter 2: Right Hand King basics
  1. Splnter
  2. can_castle_beat_Ai
  3. kagurilla47

Kōji Tanigawa's Laws of Endgame! (Advanced) Exercise #2.8

11 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Rook & Silver in Hand
  2. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Bishop & Knight in Hand
  3. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Rook and Knight in Hand
  4. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Gold and Pawn in Hand
  1. LP Shogi_Harbour
  2. ShogiExplained

なんちゃって棒銀対策 verdura's Study

11 - verdura -
  1. なんちゃって戦法
  1. verdura

Third File Rook

11 - Klyeth -
  1. Introduction
  2. Normal 3rd File 1: Basics
  3. Normal 3rd File 2: vs Climbing Silver
  4. Normal 3rd File 3: vs Ureshino Style
  1. Klyeth

菅井流やんちゃ振り飛車 - 04 - 石田流三間飛車vs.急戦

11 - Aavygeil -
  1. 王手飛車を狙う
  2. 飛車交換は振り飛車よし
  3. さばき重視の角上がり
  4. 角を巧みに転換する 1
  1. Aavygeil

Good moves examples

10 - LP Shogi_Harbour -
  1. The famous trap
  2. Don't move silver immediately after opening the bishop
  3. Get a free piece
  4. Should we take the bishop or just take the dragon advantage?
  1. LP Shogi_Harbour


10 - SpaceDog -
  1. 基础知识
  2. 对棒银(1)
  3. 对棒银(2)
  4. 对棒银(3)
  1. SpaceDog

[FR]Shikenbisha partie 1 : Naname Bougin, Yamada Joseki

10 - KatZ -
  1. Sente Naname Bougin, Position de référence
  2. Sente Naname Bougin, Funa Gakoi, P-24
  1. KatZ

Direct Opposing Rook - a bookline by r/takodori and 7th Dan Ohishi Tadashi

10 - lvshaegurista -
  1. What Direct Opposing Rook is?
  2. Sente does not drop a Bishop on 65 and push a Rook Pawn once - 1st bookline
  3. Sente does not drop a Bishop on 65 but pushes Rook's Pawn twice - 2nd bookline
  4. Sente's 11. B'65 & 13. Bx43+ variations - 3rd bookline
  1. lvshaegurista

[FR]Yagura partie 1 : Gote Genshin Bougin

10 - KatZ -
  1. Information sur les lignes présentées et position de référence
  2. Développement de l'attaque de Gote et idée générale
  3. Défense P-96
  4. Défense P-96 : Pb1
  1. KatZ

Ito Sokan tsume (part 2)

10 - dax00 -
  1. #26
  2. #26 Solution
  3. #27
  4. #27 Solution (wip)
  1. dax00
  2. Olekaze
  3. Galago
  4. WassimBerbar

Chu Shogi Analysis

10 - Galago -
    1. Galago
    2. AlexTrick
    3. Olekaze
    4. xyxcxyxc

    Beginner Opening Traps

    10 - Toadofsky -
    1. Bishop "Exchange"
    2. Double Static Rook
    3. Invincible Castle
    4. Outebisha
    1. Toadofsky