IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14PrescientZdzfighobkvkviSente to play46 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14uepon4PrescientCheckmate, Gote is victorious68 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14PrescientRascaltaroGote resigned, Sente is victorious61 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14Prescientharrer8273Gote resigned, Sente is victorious75 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14FriedEarthwormPrescientCheckmate, Gote is victorious68 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14PrescienttsuriGote resigned, Sente is victorious157 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/14PrescientmanmanSente resigned, Gote is victorious22 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/13PrescientGUEST_42e0f9Sente to play92 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/13PrescientGUEST_efa4ffGote resigned, Sente is victorious67 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/13huacaPrescientGote resigned, Sente is victorious47 movesKIF import by Eidolon
IMPORT by Eidolon - Standard2023/08/13PrescienthuacaSente resigned, Gote is victorious30 movesKIF import by Eidolon