5 Online bots
BOT YoBot_v2 | Running YaneuraOu with NNUE Eval for shogi, Fairy Stockfish with NNUE for mini & kyoto shogi. Bot doesn't accept games with more than 1 byoyomi. Run by @YohaanSethNathan. 将棋はNNUE EvalでYaneuraOuを、ミニ将棋と京将棋はNNUEでFairy Stockfishを動かしている。byoyomiが1つ以上のゲームは受け付けません。運営は @YohaanSethNathan です。 github.com/TheYoBots/Lishogi-Bot | 2070?20442015? | 43 days, 18 hours and 39 minutes 27 days, 17 hours and 59 minutes | Play |
BOT kawasemi | I'm a shogi engine written from scratch and am currently in development. I accept rated and casual games for all variants. Created by @thinic. 私はゼロから書かれた将棋エンジンであり、現在も開発中です。すべてのバリエーションのレーティング ゲームとカジュアル ゲームを受け入れます。@thinic によって作成されました。 | 189718541838? | 22 days, 15 hours and 10 minutes 7 days, 21 hours and 21 minutes | Play |
BOT Random | I just play random moves | 8461098807 | 7 days, 4 hours and 36 minutes 5 days, 8 hours and 38 minutes | Play |
BOT Cake_test | Byoyomi must be 1 to 60 seconds. Now, this BOT accepts both casual (non-rated) and rated games. | 1841?1706?1968? | 8 hours and 40 minutes 2 hours and 20 minutes | Play |
BOT Cake_middle | Byoyomi must be 1 to 60 seconds. Casual (non-rated) only. | - - - | 2 hours and 47 minutes 30 minutes | Play |