IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/07youlike56VraqevSente resigned, Gote is victorious88 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/07yannpinnVraqevGote to play111 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/04??Gote resigned, Sente is victorious43 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03NavojskaonakaGote resigned, Sente is victorious75 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03eggkakericeNavojskaSente resigned, Gote is victorious68 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03OKAPONNavojskaSente resigned, Gote is victorious124 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03Letter_of_DawnNavojskaCheckmate, Sente is victorious105 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03aloha81NavojskaGote to play67 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03NavojskakudamaGote resigned, Sente is victorious55 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/09/03sinceNavojskaGote resigned, Sente is victorious121 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/08/31ScarlettChimeriaNavojskaSente resigned, Gote is victorious108 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska
IMPORT by Navojska - Standard2022/08/31Navojskaking_cobraGote to play109 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Navojska