IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/04Secarielk1773rSente resigned, Gote is victorious48 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/04SecarielGrubbyCheckmate, Sente is victorious95 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/04RYUZO13SecarielGote resigned, Sente is victorious47 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/04Secarieltakashi8Sente resigned, Gote is victorious90 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/04SecarielMatuiYuchanSente resigned, Gote is victorious102 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/03hithayhhSecarielCheckmate, Gote is victorious94 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/03SecarieltigerpantherSente to play90 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/03kazumi5180SecarielGote resigned, Sente is victorious81 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/09/01SecarielpolskaCheckmate, Sente is victorious49 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/08/28jiro555SecarielCheckmate, Gote is victorious106 movesKIF import by Secariel
IMPORT by Secariel - Standard2024/08/12shibuya1702SecarielSente to play72 movesKIF import by Secariel