10|11 - Rapid - Rated Strongest_NITAMAGO1447? −56giwayama1765? +12Sente left the game, Gote is victorious48 movesComputer analysis available
5|20 - Rapid - Rated chikakooooo1878 +1Strongest_NITAMAGO1500? −53Gote left the game, Sente is victorious73 moves
0|2 - UltraBullet - Rated Shogi-Stogie1556 +9Strongest_NITAMAGO1345? −61Time out, Sente is victorious21 moves
0|2 - UltraBullet - Rated Strongest_NITAMAGO1500? −155Shogi-Stogie1544 +12Time out, Gote is victorious10 moves
3|0 - Bullet - Casual counton101950Strongest_NITAMAGO1371?Gote left the game, Sente is victorious41 moves
180|60 - Classical - Rated Strongest_NITAMAGO1392? −5Yajimatamahiko2087? +4Sente left the game, Gote is victorious32 moves
30|180 - Classical - Rated Strongest_NITAMAGO1474? −82harinezumi1585 +9Sente left the game, Gote is victorious64 moves
10|0 - Rapid - Casual AnonymousStrongest_NITAMAGO1500?Gote left the game, Sente is victorious15 moves
15|60 - Classical - Rated cvl281673? +86Strongest_NITAMAGO1578? −104Gote left the game, Sente is victorious63 moves
3|0 - Bullet - Rated Strongest_NITAMAGO1378? −7wizardsbrain2120 +1Sente left the game, Gote is victorious52 moves
5 days - Correspondence - Rated Strongest_NITAMAGO1500? −163tazan31500? +162Sente resigned, Gote is victorious9 moves