IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard godmakkachin1280kevinb741254Time out, Sente is victorious115 movesCSA import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/18kinka_daisukikevinb74Sente to play72 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/18kevinb74pprk777Checkmate, Gote is victorious74 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/18kevinb74yyytiger70Checkmate, Gote is victorious122 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/18chuangekevinb74Gote resigned, Sente is victorious81 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/18yuu1212kevinb74Gote resigned, Sente is victorious141 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/18toshiki1244kevinb74Sente to play68 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/17mildcocoakevinb74Gote resigned, Sente is victorious145 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/17kevinb74ToxazCheckmate, Gote is victorious74 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/16MarregZkevinb74Checkmate, Sente is victorious137 movesKIF import by kevinb74
IMPORT by kevinb74 - Standard2024/06/16kevinb74RAMCESSSente resigned, Gote is victorious138 movesKIF import by kevinb74