IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/29LittleMagekaluginSente resigned, Gote is victorious96 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/29LittleMagekaluginSente resigned, Gote is victorious110 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/29LittleMagekaluginCheckmate, Sente is victorious67 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/29sinzo0115kaluginSente to play168 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/29kaluginmasa2686Gote resigned, Sente is victorious133 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/28kaluginudyrCheckmate, Gote is victorious92 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/28kaluginairleckaCheckmate, Gote is victorious110 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/26matrakaluginCheckmate, Sente is victorious71 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/26kaluginmatraCheckmate, Gote is victorious72 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/26MikleMinskkaluginGote to play169 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/25karasu73kaluginSente resigned, Gote is victorious86 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg
IMPORT by oleg - Standard2024/03/25kaluginmildcocoaCheckmate, Gote is victorious104 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by oleg