10|10 - Rapid - Casual - Simultaneous exhibitionLP Shogi_Harbour1677?supermanu1191?Gote resigned, Sente is victorious69 moves
5+5 - Rapid - Rated - Polish Players and Friends ArenaGaldian1688 +4supermanu1206? −15Gote resigned, Sente is victorious101 moves
5+5 - Rapid - Rated - Polish Players and Friends ArenaDreamPwner1594? +17supermanu1237? −31Time out, Sente is victorious75 moves
5+5 - Rapid - Rated - Polish Players and Friends Arenasupermanu1302? −65joe_mama1520 +13Sente resigned, Gote is victorious48 moves
5+5 - Rapid - Rated - Polish Players and Friends ArenaGaldian1755? +7supermanu1337? −35Checkmate, Sente is victorious85 moves
5+5 - Rapid - Rated - Polish Players and Friends ArenaBaseQ1500? +162supermanu1500? −163Time out, Sente is victorious83 moves