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Checkmate, Sente is victorious
開始日時:2023/02/03 21:20:00 終了日時:2023/02/03 21:53:58 棋戦:Casual Classical game 場所: 持ち時間:15分+30秒 手合割:平手 先手:Navojska 後手:Eidolon 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 6八銀(79) 2 8四歩(83) 3 5六歩(57) 4 3四歩(33) 5 5七銀(68) 6 8五歩(84) 7 7八金(69) 8 7二銀(71) 9 2六歩(27) 10 8三銀(72) 11 6六銀(57) 12 8四銀(83) 13 9六歩(97) 14 9四歩(93) 15 2五歩(26) 16 3三角(22) 17 7六歩(77) 18 3二銀(31) 19 5八金(49) 20 4二角(33) 21 7七角(88) 22 5四歩(53) 23 6五銀(66) 24 3三銀(32) 25 5四銀(65) 26 5二金(61) 27 2四歩(25) 28 同 歩(23) 29 2二歩打 30 3一金(41) 31 2一歩成(22) 32 同 金(31) 33 5五桂打 34 3二金(21) 35 6三桂成(55) 36 同 金(52) 37 同 銀成(54) 38 5二歩打 39 6二金打 40 4一玉(51) 41 5二金(62) 42 3一玉(41) 43 4二金(52) 44 同 金(32) 45 7一角打 46 9二飛(82) 47 6六角(77) 48 9三銀(84) 49 5三成銀(63) 50 3二金(42) 51 2三歩打 52 6一金打 53 3三角成(66) 54 同 金(32) 55 4二銀打 56 3二玉(31) 57 3三銀成(42) 58 同 玉(32) 59 9三角成(71) 60 同 桂(81) 61 4二銀打 62 同 飛(92) 63 同 成銀(53) 64 同 玉(33) 65 8一飛打 66 7二角打 67 9一飛成(81) 68 5七歩打 69 同 金(58) 70 4五桂打 71 5八金(57) 72 5七銀打 73 4八銀(39) 74 5八銀成(57) 75 同 玉(59) 76 5七銀打 77 同 銀(48) 78 同 桂成(45) 79 同 玉(58) 80 3九角打 81 4八銀打 82 2八角成(39) 83 6四桂打 84 3八金打 85 7二桂成(64) 86 4八金(38) 87 6一龍(91) 88 5八飛打 89 6六玉(57) 90 7八飛成(58) 91 3一角打 92 3二玉(42) 93 2二角成(31) 94 4二玉(32) 95 6二龍(61) 96 5二金打 97 3二金打 98 詰み
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Spectator room
  1. Navojska:o
  2. Navojskai won't ok
  3. Eidolonand don't let the ranking illusion affect your being
  4. Eidolonlol
  5. Eidolondo what you wish
  6. Navojskai will sacrifice a lot just to get a boost for my ego
  7. Eidolonyou're a kitty after all
  8. Eidolonlol
  9. Eidolonyou have the self-awareness
  10. Eidolonwhich is good
  11. Navojska>.<
  12. Navojskai recognize myself in the mirror too
  13. Eidolonlolol
  14. Eidolonso troll
  15. Navojskajust a kitty...
  16. Eidolonkitty logic
  17. Eidolonare there any other games that you play?
  18. Eidolonor has Shogi been your main game for the past year?
  19. Navojskawhy is it called oven when you off in cold on out hot eat
  20. NavojskaI started playing shogi cuz i gave up on chess xD
  21. Eidolonah, I see
  22. Navojskagotta focus on something
  23. Eidolonso you went through the journey of focusing on rating in Chess, too?
  24. Eidolonyeah, I can relate to that
  25. Eidolonthe need to focus on something
  26. Navojskajust plateaued badly
  27. Navojska:3
  28. Eidolonmaybe your interest waned over time
  29. NavojskaI'm fully capable of ruining my life over chess still
  30. Eidolonlol oh man
  31. Navojskabut it's much more efficient to play shogi
  32. Navojskamakes me better at chess too!
  33. Eidolonyeah, playing Shogi can help change your outlook on Chess
  34. Navojskai recently tried playing chess more but after a few days it came back to what was previously so i stopped again xD
  35. Navojska.-. is magic
  36. Navojskasometimes creating beautiful miniatures and sometimes simply nothing works
  37. Eidolonwell, at least Chess will always be there for you
  38. Eidolon"miniatures"
  39. Eidolonyou sculpt?
  40. Eidolonor did I miss the metaphor here?
  41. Navojskathose are very short games, like 20 moves or so
  42. Eidolonbeautifully played games?
  43. Eidolonand sometimes duds?
  44. Eidolonoh okay
  45. NavojskaxD
  46. Eidolonjust trying to understand from my end
  47. Navojskaone day i wake up full of gambiteer inspiration and play everything dubious and overwhelm my opponent, the other i rot
  48. Eidolonlolol
  49. Navojskakwk
  50. Eidolonso are you even playing well, then?
  51. Navojskaye
  52. Eidolonif you're selecting dubious moves intentionally
  53. Eidolonand the opponent just falls for them
  54. Eidolondue to lack of familiarity
  55. NavojskaWell, that's how that works, create opportunities
  56. Eidolonif it's sound, yeah
  57. Eidolonnot if both players blunder back to back
  58. NavojskaAnd you are corrupted by computers or what xD
  59. Eidolonlolol
  60. Eidolonyeah, a bit
  61. Navojska"oh the number fell by 0,5 point that's super terrible"
  62. Navojska:3
  63. Eidolonhahaha
  64. Navojskamy fav is bongcloud uwu
  65. Eidolonit can be, though
  66. Eidolonthat's how the advantage starts decaying
  67. Eidolonof course, it is
  68. Eidolongive up castles
  69. Eidolon*castle
  70. Eidolonassert superior King position right off the bat
  71. NavojskaWell, theoretically if you have -1 you go into an endgame down a pawn, which is holdable
  72. Navojskaso whatever xD
  73. Eidolonhmm, do you really think so?
  74. EidolonI thought when it's -1 deficit
  75. Eidolonthe game is over
  76. NavojskaxD
  77. Eidolonwhen played perfectly
  78. NavojskaWhat matters is what threats people have
  79. Eidolondepends on the position, then
  80. Navojskayea...
  81. Eidolonhow long did play Chess for?
  82. Eidolonbefore being seduced by Shogi
  83. Navojskasince i was a smol smol kitty, was super bored and my parents taught me
  84. Eidolonkitty fursona
  85. Eidolonthat's cool, though
  86. Navojskaquickly decided to play the bongcloud and now i know other openings half-a-half
  87. Eidolonthat your parents showed how to play
  88. Eidolon*showed you
  89. Navojskaye
  90. Eidolonyou're really a bongcloud enjoyer, huh?
  91. Eidolonthat opening isn't gambit compatible, though
  92. Navojskagambiting is very hard there, yea
  93. Navojskathat's when i decide to play regular openings
  94. Eidolonwhat are some of your preferred openings?
  95. Eidolonbesides the boncloud, of course
  96. Navojskaplay both pawns in the centre
  97. Eidolon*bongcloud
  98. NavojskaxD
  99. Eidolonoh my gosh lol
  100. Eidolontoo troll, man
  101. Navojskadouble zilbermints countergambit
  102. NavojskaxD
  103. Eidolonlol
  104. EidolonI have no idea
  105. Eidolonif that's a legitimate line or not
  106. Eidolonso I can't say
  107. Navojskae4 e5 f4 g5
  108. Navojska-2,5
  109. Eidolonsounds practical
  110. NavojskaWell, as black I have to make stuff up often
  111. Navojskathere are no good openings
  112. Eidolonlol you sound like an old friend of mine
  113. Eidolonalways improvising as black
  114. NavojskaxD
  115. Navojskaor i go back into bongcloud
  116. Navojskagot better chances doing that
  117. Eidolonoh reliable
  118. Eidolonthe best of openings
  119. Navojskayes
  120. Eidolonso because you know about the bongcloud
  121. Eidolondo you watch chess on twitch?
  122. Navojskanah
  123. Eidolonhow'd you find about it, then?
  124. Eidoloncontent creators on youtube?
  125. Navojskayoutube?
  126. Eidolonright
  127. Navojskaand when i played it on chess com xD
  128. Navojskaand searched
  129. Eidolonkitty got curious
  130. Navojska"troll opening" "the worst opening ever" "why would you play that" :( that's harrassment
  131. Eidolonyou identify with the bongcloud?
  132. EidolonI thought you were a kitty
  133. Navojskamiau
  134. Navojskaok and
  135. Navojskais 20th century, can do whatever
  136. NavojskaxD
  137. Eidolonlol
  138. Navojskahow do you bongcloud in shogi miau
  139. Eidolonhmm
  140. Eidolonjust drive your King to 55
  141. Navojskakinda but you seemingly lose unless you move king back to safety
  142. Eidolon"seemingly lose"
  143. Eidolonyou don't seeming lose with bongcloud in Chess!?
  144. Eidolonwhat are these opponents that you've been facing, then!?
  145. NavojskaxD
  146. Navojskai simply forced it until i learned all the lines that lose obviously and avoid them
  147. Eidolonas if you don't lose outright after commiting to the bongcloud
  148. Navojskayea
  149. Navojskai play it in irl tournaments, what do i say
  150. Navojskajust because it has better winrate
  151. Navojska.-.
  152. EidolonI heavily doubt that you do
  153. NavojskaOh, I do
  154. Eidolonlolol
  155. Eidolononly as White, then?
  156. Eidolonsince you said that you make stuff up as Black
  157. NavojskaWell, I kinda know an opening repertoire with white, so more probable with black
  158. NavojskaAnd I always play it when playing against a titled player xD
  159. EidolonI suppose that's how you properly show respect, then
  160. Navojskay'know, when i play regular openings
  161. Navojskaand then lose
  162. Navojskait feels like it's because i play stuff i don't know
  163. Navojskaso i gotta go back into my stuff
  164. EidolonOG bongcloud?
  165. Navojskaf6 kf7
  166. Eidolonlolol
  167. Navojskafried fox xD
  168. Eidolonwow
  169. Eidolonhahaha
  170. Eidolonthat's the way to play Chess
  171. Navojskathis is the best variation of bongcloud miau
  172. Eidolonfor all I know
  173. Eidolonyou're extremely skilled at Chess
  174. Navojskae5-kf7/ d6-kd7 only has better evaluation because you can move king back and you're just 2 tempos down and can't castle xD
  175. Eidolonbut rather not talk about yourself in that regard
  176. Eidolonseems like a relevant line to consider and analyze
  177. Navojskayes
  178. Navojskai can never understand how to play the sicilian .-.
  179. Eidolonfor real?
  180. Eidolonthere are so many variations to it
  181. Eidolonas I'm sure you're familiar with
  182. Navojskatoo many weaknesses and simply slowly get strangled
  183. EidolonDragon, Najdorf, Sveshnikov, etc
  184. Eidolonyou're trolling now
  185. Eidolonweakenesses with the Sicilian?
  186. Eidolon*weaknesses
  187. Navojskaye
  188. Navojskad6-d5 hurts a lot
  189. Eidolonthen what do you think is better versus e4 as Black?
  190. Navojskaprobably the french
  191. Navojskaor some variation of e5 if into that
  192. EidolonI see
  193. Navojskacaro-kann is dumb because after 5 moves white has 12 viable moves xD
  194. Navojskagotta head sleep miau
  195. Eidolonall right
  196. Navojskawho are youuuuuu
  197. Eidolonthank you for the game
  198. Eidolonand take care
  199. Navojskai won't
  200. Navojskathank you too