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1P-76+0.800:002P-84+0.900:003B-77+0.700:014P-34+0.500:015Bx22+-1.500:046Sx22-1.900:017B*55?!-4.800:04Inaccuracy. Best move was S-787.S-788.P-859.S-77[...]8G-32-4.300:029P-75-6.400:0410S-62-5.700:0711P-74-6.000:0312P-85-4.100:0313Px73+-6.300:0214Sx73-6.000:0115N-77?-15.600:09Mistake. Best move was Bx73+15.Bx73+16.Nx7317.R-78[...]16S-64-15.400:0717B-46-15.600:0318P-86-14.700:0419Px86-15.700:0420Rx86?!-11.600:03Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*7620.P*7621.S-8822.Rx86[...]21G-78??-33.200:24Blunder. Best move was R-8821.R-8822.P*8723.R-89[...]22R-89+-31.800:2223P*82-41.400:0624N-73?!-30.600:07Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*7624.P*7625.N-6526.P-77+[...]25P-81+?!-41.100:02Inaccuracy. Best move was P-5625.P-5626.+Rx9927.P*74[...]26+Rx81??-15.400:02Blunder. Best drop was P*7626.P*7627.P*7428.Px77+[...]27P-66?-30.400:11Mistake. Best drop was P*7427.P*7428.G-6229.Px73+[...]28P*86??-12.100:13Blunder. Best move was +R-8928.+R-8929.R-5830.P*76[...]29P-65?!-16.100:01Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*7429.P*7430.P*7231.Px73+[...]30Nx65-12.200:0331Nx65-14.100:0132Sx65?!-9.500:02Inaccuracy. Best move was G-5232.G-5233.N-73+34.+R-84[...]33B-73+??-23.000:09Blunder. Best move was R-6833.R-6834.P-87+35.Rx65[...]34G-62-19.900:0835+B-55-23.800:0536S-54-22.400:1837+B-46?!-33.100:12Inaccuracy. Best move was +B-7737.+B-7738.B*6539.P*88[...]38P-87+-30.600:0439P*82?!-44.900:04Inaccuracy. Best drop was N*7439.N*7440.G-7241.P*82[...]40+R-72-44.000:0641P-81+-99.000:0342+Px78?!-35.900:04Inaccuracy. Best move was +Rx8142.+Rx8143Rx78-35.400:2544P*77?!-26.800:19Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*7644.P*7645.K-4846.+R-75[...]45R-88-29.900:0546N*66??-13.000:42Blunder. Best drop was G*5546.G*5547.+B-3648.P*87[...]47+P-82??-30.500:05Blunder. Best drop was P*7347.P*7348.+R-9249.+Px91[...]48+R-74-29.200:1749+Px91?!-41.800:04Inaccuracy. Best move was K-4849.K-4850.P-78+51.Sx78[...]50P-78+-35.100:0651R-81+-35.100:0152P*71-32.800:0453N*83?!-51.100:19Inaccuracy. Best move was K-4853.K-4854.+Px7955.+B-56[...]54G*72?!-31.500:28Inaccuracy. Best move was +Px7954.+Px7955.+B-5656.S-65[...]55Nx71+?!-55.300:03Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*7355.P*7356.+P-6957.K-48[...]56Gx71-55.200:0257+R-92-59.000:0658+Px79-49.000:1659L*69?!#-700:37Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was +B-5659.+B-5660.S-6561.+Bx65[...]60+Px69#-600:0561Kx69#-300:0162+R-78#-200:0163K-59#-100:0764B*77#-200:0865P*68#-100:0666+Rx6800:01
Checkmate, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2021/03/21 17:24:50 終了日時:2021/03/21 17:33:57 棋戦:Rated Rapid game 場所: 持ち時間:5分+20秒 手合割:平手 先手:ShogiBean 後手:Shymon 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 8四歩(83) 3 7七角(88) 4 3四歩(33) 5 2二角成(77) 6 同 銀(31) 7 5五角打 8 3二金(41) 9 7五歩(76) 10 6二銀(71) 11 7四歩(75) 12 8五歩(84) 13 7三歩成(74) 14 同 銀(62) 15 7七桂(89) 16 6四銀(73) 17 4六角(55) 18 8六歩(85) 19 同 歩(87) 20 同 飛(82) 21 7八金(69) 22 8九飛成(86) 23 8二歩打 24 7三桂(81) 25 8一歩成(82) 26 同 龍(89) 27 6六歩(67) 28 8六歩打 29 6五歩(66) 30 同 桂(73) 31 同 桂(77) 32 同 銀(64) 33 7三角成(46) 34 6二金(61) 35 5五馬(73) 36 5四銀(65) 37 4六馬(55) 38 8七歩成(86) 39 8二歩打 40 7二龍(81) 41 8一歩成(82) 42 7八と(87) 43 同 飛(28) 44 7七歩打 45 8八飛(78) 46 6六桂打 47 8二と(81) 48 7四龍(72) 49 9一と(82) 50 7八歩成(77) 51 8一飛成(88) 52 7一歩打 53 8三桂打 54 7二金打 55 7一桂成(83) 56 同 金(72) 57 9二龍(81) 58 7九と(78) 59 6九香打 60 同 と(79) 61 同 玉(59) 62 7八龍(74) 63 5九玉(69) 64 7七角打 65 6八歩打 66 同 龍(78) 67 詰み
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableExport
ShogiBean −5
657Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
Shymon +91
504Average centipawn loss
Spectator room
  1. jienjiensup guys
  2. GinShoNinjaGreetings
  3. GinShoNinjaPlayers can't see spectator chat, right
  4. GinShoNinja?
  5. jienjienhow long have you been playing Ginsho
  6. GinShoNinjaabout 6 years now, been on a little break for about half a year though
  7. jienjiennice
  8. GinShoNinjaPlayed a lot against engines, and not as much against people. Used to have an instructional blog for beginners tactics. It might still exist
  9. GinShoNinjaYourself?
  10. GinShoNinjaShogibean has great piece coordination this game
  11. jienjienI see, you should play with more players :) i've played for 2 years now
  12. jienjienyeah Bean got some coaching from a great shogi player ;D
  13. GinShoNinjaI will be as I start playing more. Didn't much care for 81dojo, but I'll gladly help this site grow.