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1P-76+0.300:002P-34+0.600:003P-66-0.100:034S-420.000:055R-68-0.600:026P-54-0.400:027S-78-0.400:018S-53-0.500:019S-67-0.600:0110B-33-0.100:0211P-16-0.400:0212P-55+1.300:0513G-78-0.800:0614S-54+0.400:0515K-48+0.400:0216P-24-0.100:0617K-380.000:0218P-25-0.300:0119K-28-2.300:0420R-22-2.400:0321S-38-2.400:0122S-72-2.100:1223P-56-1.900:0224Px56-0.900:1425Sx56?!-5.100:02Inaccuracy. Best move was R-5825.R-5826.P-2627.Px26[...]26P*55??+4.400:02Blunder. Best move was P-2626.P-2627.P*5528.Px27+[...]27S-65+4.100:0228Sx65+5.700:0129Px65+5.500:0130K-62+6.500:0431S*82+5.500:1432L-92?!+8.800:04Inaccuracy. Best move was P-2632.P-2633.Px2634.Rx26[...]33S-91++5.900:0734R-52?!+12.101:01Inaccuracy. Best move was P-2634.P-2635.Px2636.Rx26[...]35+Sx92+10.300:0436P-56+10.200:0137+S-82?+1.700:18Mistake. Best move was Bx33+37.Bx33+38.Nx3339.P*58[...]38P-57++4.100:0539R-69??-6.500:09Blunder. Best move was Bx33+39.Bx33+40.Nx3341.L*59[...]40+P-58?!-3.000:07Inaccuracy. Best move was Bx88+40.Bx88+41.Gx8842.S*58[...]41Bx33+-2.600:1042Nx33-2.400:0343B*17?!-7.500:30Inaccuracy. Best drop was L*5943.L*5944.+Px5945.Rx59[...]44P-26-6.800:2145Bx26-7.000:0546S*35-7.200:0147+Sx72??-20.400:05Blunder. Best drop was L*5947.L*5948.+Px5949.Bx35[...]48Kx72-19.100:0649B-15?-30.200:06Mistake. Best move was Bx3549.Bx3550.+Px4951.Sx49[...]50S*24??-13.600:30Blunder. Best drop was S*4850.S*4851.S*3952.+Px49[...]51R-66??-56.400:18Blunder. Best move was Bx2451.Bx2452.Sx2453.L*59[...]52+Px49-53.300:0753P-64?!#-500:09Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was Sx4953.Sx4954.R-59+55.S*38[...]54B*39#-400:0755K-18#-300:0356G*28#-200:0957K-17#-100:0258Gx29#-200:0959K-18#-100:0360Gx19#-2200:2461Kx19#-2100:0262L*17#-2000:0863L*18#-1900:0964Px64?!-57.900:06Lost forced checkmate sequence. Best move was Lx18+64.Lx18+65.Kx1866.L*17[...]65Rx64-57.500:0766P*63-52.800:0267Rx34?!#-1100:04Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was Rx63+67.Rx63+68.Kx6369.Lx17[...]68Lx18+#-1200:0369Kx18#-1100:0270N*25#-1400:2071Bx24#-300:2272Sx24#-1200:0473Rx24#-300:0374N-17+#-200:1475K-29#-100:0276+N-2800:01
Checkmate, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2023/03/09 03:37:18 終了日時:2023/03/09 03:47:45 棋戦:Rated Rapid game 場所: 持ち時間:5分+30秒 手合割:平手 先手:suwako_no_bankai 後手:timetogo 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 3四歩(33) 3 6六歩(67) 4 4二銀(31) 5 6八飛(28) 6 5四歩(53) 7 7八銀(79) 8 5三銀(42) 9 6七銀(78) 10 3三角(22) 11 1六歩(17) 12 5五歩(54) 13 7八金(69) 14 5四銀(53) 15 4八玉(59) 16 2四歩(23) 17 3八玉(48) 18 2五歩(24) 19 2八玉(38) 20 2二飛(82) 21 3八銀(39) 22 7二銀(71) 23 5六歩(57) 24 同 歩(55) 25 同 銀(67) 26 5五歩打 27 6五銀(56) 28 同 銀(54) 29 同 歩(66) 30 6二玉(51) 31 8二銀打 32 9二香(91) 33 9一銀成(82) 34 5二飛(22) 35 9二成銀(91) 36 5六歩(55) 37 8二成銀(92) 38 5七歩成(56) 39 6九飛(68) 40 5八と(57) 41 3三角成(88) 42 同 桂(21) 43 1七角打 44 2六歩(25) 45 同 角(17) 46 3五銀打 47 7二成銀(82) 48 同 玉(62) 49 1五角(26) 50 2四銀打 51 6六飛(69) 52 4九と(58) 53 6四歩(65) 54 3九角打 55 1八玉(28) 56 2八金打 57 1七玉(18) 58 2九金(28) 59 1八玉(17) 60 1九金(29) 61 同 玉(18) 62 1七香打 63 1八香打 64 6四歩(63) 65 同 飛(66) 66 6三歩打 67 3四飛(64) 68 1八香成(17) 69 同 玉(19) 70 2五桂打 71 2四角(15) 72 同 銀(35) 73 同 飛(34) 74 1七桂成(25) 75 2九玉(18) 76 2八成桂(17) 77 詰み
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableExport
suwako_no_bankai −17
290Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
timetogo +85
149Average centipawn loss
Spectator room
  1. suwako_no_bankI think I should have just left it here.
  2. suwako_no_bankAnd respond to the central pawn a bit sooner.
  3. timetogoYes the central pawn with the rook behind was quite strong
  4. suwako_no_bankFrom here it's more like refusing to give up than having a plan.
  5. suwako_no_bankHm, that lance drop would have been nice had I thought of it.
  6. timetogoI would have panicked if that had happened i tjink :p
  7. suwako_no_bankEvil computer says I should have switched to nakabisha which is nothing short of heresy.
  8. timetogoSo you were quite a bit betterat 34, i suppose i am more exposed
  9. timetogoNakabisha?
  10. suwako_no_bankMove 25 should have been rook to 58, it says.
  11. timetogoAh ok
  12. suwako_no_bankSo, I guess my 2 big mistakes were wasting 3 moves to catch a lance which would have been stranded, while ignoring the important pawn push.
  13. suwako_no_bankI also have no idea how to hand control to you ..
  14. timetogoI dont know how to do it either
  15. timetogoGood game, and thank you :)
  16. suwako_no_bankThanks for the game