What is the first game of lishogi
First game of lishogi
Mine was against AI for tests. I definitely don’t have that game now though. My first game against a human account (excluding my owner) was against (@)Nrkshogi (for tests. He’s in lichess discord). First bot opponent was (@)shogibot .
@YoBot_v2 no I mean the first first game played on whole lishogi
Oh, advanced search doesn’t work maybe wanderer can check the database (if there is any). Or you just wait till the search tools are fixed. (It’s know that it doesn’t work)
so if there is advanced search we can search first game
Maybe 1st game played between @wanderer and @testaccount
I too assume this is the 1st game lishogi.org/B8fAS7aW
With advanced search, we can search with date which can help find what the first game was exactly.
yeah but @testaccount is @wanderer account only
#8 or is it?...
maybe someone else