i found a unknown account | 7 | BOT YoBot_v2 |
How does one become a bot? | 2 | Diwaditya |
Understanding This Puzzle | 4 | A21010 |
What about this game? The castling process seems to waste so much time? | 6 | Diwaditya |
Engine level 8: Castle is useless??? | 3 | Sir_Robin |
I lost to the engine level 8 again! | 3 | BOT YoBot_v2 |
First game of lishogi | 10 | Diwaditya |
bigsby vs horsey | 3 | Diwaditya |
What does the bigsby emoji mean? | 2 | Illya |
Too messy | 16 | BOT YoBot_v2 |