question about studies

i creating a study showing the moves of oyama "how to defend in shogi" and i wanted to know if we can put positions directly instead of creating a line conducting to it cause oyama didn t give it

Try clicking "Add a new chapter" > "Editor". you can edit the board there but unfortunately editing the held pieces is a feature that's still being developed.

Correction: you cannot add held pieces in the editor but you can add them in the FEN tab. Example: you want to add a knight & lance for Gote's hand, and a pawn & rook to Sente's hand. lnsgkgsn1/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1

Change the dash part to this:
lnsgkgs2/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w nlPR 1

Are you sure that's right? That doesn't look correct to me. You're replacing the castle parameter of the FEN...

Just tested it, works perfectly fine. Also Wanderer did say the SFEN implementation here might change.

Thank you I am also building a study and yes I tried to upload a Sfen but didn't work.

So basically here is your SFEN :

sfen ln3k1nl/1r2gsgb1/p3pp1pp/3p2p2/2s6/1PpPSPPP1/P2GPSN1P/1BG4R1/LN2K3L b 2P 39

what you wan to do is erase the first part : sfen.

And also change who's turn is it to play. Since Fen is based on chess you need to change this part :
b 2P 39
w 2P39

Gives you this :

ln3k1nl/1r2gsgb1/p3pp1pp/3p2p2/2s6/1PpPSPPP1/P2GPSN1P/1BG4R1/LN2K3L w 2P 39

I hope this helps people building these studies is pretty fun but is a bit tricky.
Also i'm kind of sad that in the interactive lesson when the player puts a wrong move I can't show on the board the variation of why this move should be rejected.

But well I can work around that !

Thanks again for lishogi it's a great project !

oh yes i forgot to mention
w is white and b is black
but since Fen is a chess format


It does confuse us shogi players :P
