Hosting a Lishogi BOT on a cloud server

I am interested in hosting my bot on a cloud server, so that I won't have to keep my computer on 24/7.

Can anyone recommend me such a service provider?
Free is preferable, I am not trying to spend too much on this.


I’ve heard heroku is great, though I personally don’t prefer it. Also there is a client for making a lishogi-bot and easily deploying it to heroku . Also you can try avs, though I guess that you’ll need to pay. I use ovh. I believe there is a free trial, but you’ll need to pay for using it.

@YoBot_v2 When you use Heroku, did you make your lishogi-bot into a "web" app, or did you use "worker" dynos?
I read from the article: "Apps that only utilize a free worker dyno do not sleep, because they do not respond to web requests"
Would a "worker dyno" be best for this project? (I would like to run my bot 24/7)

Well, it is possible to run your bot on heroku with either web or worker dynos and they can still run 24/7, but running a lishogi bot on web dynos wouldn’t make sense unless you actually have maybe some shogi board visualisation or a couple score count or something interesting for others to see in the app. But heroku only allows a max usage of 550 hours, which would be about 17 and a half or 18 hours per month, so to run it 24/7 you’ll need to add your payment details. Just by adding payment and no money is required to be given, you get an additional 450hrs per month, making it 1000hrs per month. That way you can run 24/7.

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