[Question] About the display of study embedded in a blog | [質問] ブログに埋め込んだ研究の表示について

Is it possible to change the piece set in a study embedded in a blog to piece set I like, and to display the game record in Japanese style, according to the current specification of lishogi?

I've embedded lishogi TV and I can change the piece set to any piece I want and change the theme to anything I want and display it on my blog.
I know that in the HTML code for embedding lishogi TV, there are parameters that allow you to change the piece set and theme, and I know that I can change those parameters to my favorite piece names and theme names, and paste the code into my blog to display them that way.

However, there are no such parameters in the HTML code for embedding the study, so I don't know if it is possible to change the piece set and the notation of the game record and display it on the blog.

There is a list of parameters that can be changed in the study section of the help page.

If it is not possible due to the current specification of lishogi, I would like to make a request to change the specification so that it is possible.
Also, it would be very helpful if the HTML code could be written in such a way that it is possible to do so by simply rewriting the relevant parameters as in lishogi TV. (I know very little about HTML code).


埋め込んだlishogi TVでは駒セットを好きな駒に変えて、themeも好きな物に変えてブログで表示出来ています。
lishogi TVを埋め込む為のHTMLのコード内には、駒セットやthemeを変更出来るパラメーターが記載されていて、その部分を好きな駒の名前や、themeの名前に書きかえ、そのコードをブログに貼り付ければ、ブログでその様に表示出来る事は知っています。



それとHTMLのコードもlishogi TVの様にパラメーターの該当箇所を書き換えるだけで可能になる様な記述をして頂けるととても助かります。(HTMLのコードの事を殆ど知らないので)

It's done! Thank you so much!
I'll take the opportunity to share with users why I was stumped on this issue.
When I checked the checkbox "Start at 4. ☗3四歩" on the study page, it added the character "#4" after the URL in the HTML code.

For some reason, I was unable to change the piece set, Theme, etc. when this "#4" character was included.
When I removed the "#4" character from the HTML code, I was able to change the piece set and theme.

Whether this is a bug or something else I do not know.
Whatever it is, I finally achieved my goal and your comment was very helpful. Thanks again!

Finally, I think it is not possible to display the game record in Japanese style with the current specification of embedding lishogi's study, so I would appreciate it if it could be made possible to display the game record in Japanese style with the embedded study.

研究のページにある「Start at 4.☗3四歩」と言うチェックボックスにチェックを入れると、HTMLコード内のURLの後ろに「#4」と言う文字が追加されました。




> For some reason, I was unable to change the piece set, Theme, etc. when this "#4" character was included.
> When I removed the "#4" character from the HTML code, I was able to change the piece set and theme.
> Whether this is a bug or something else I do not know.

Interesting... I wonder if Lichess has the same bug? The #4 character indicates a move number, so it would be nice to be able to customize the piece set and theme and also set the study move number (a study can display the move history, current move and position, and future moves).

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