

lishogi is already incredibly complete and has many advantages over other sites and apps.
I think that if you have an automatic matching and an app, you can quickly become a shogi site, but can you prioritize the development of it?


I honestly think it's a huge waste.
It is based on lichess, but there are not that many developers, so it should have the biggest feature difference now compared to other sites and apps.
Over time it will gradually lose some of its functional advantages.
Right now we have a huge functional advantage.
I think that bugs and feature additions can be put on the back burner, and as the number of people increases and the name recognition grows by prioritizing automatic matching and apps, more people will be willing to become developers.
Sorry if I am saying something messed up, I don't know the technicalities or how the project works.

1. "Automatic match"
Automatic lobby pairings like Lichess require there to be many online players already, like Shogi Wars. On 81Dojo automatic pairings are possible but are not used.

2. Lishogi App
Applications are fun to use and expensive to support. In 2019 Lichess 2.0 was released to encourage people to use browsers instead of the Lichess App: lichess.org/blog/XMvcJSwAADkA0hPE/lichess-v2-is-here

1. "自動マッチング"
Lichessのような自動ロビーペアリングは、Shogi Warsのようにすでに多くのオンラインプレーヤーがいることが必要です。81Dojoでは、自動ペアリングは可能だが、使用されない。

2. Lishogiアプリ
アプリケーションは使うのが楽しく、サポートにお金がかかる。2019年、Lichessアプリの代わりにブラウザを使うことを奨励するため、Lichess 2.0がリリースされた:lichess.org/blog/XMvcJSwAADkA0hPE/lichess-v2-is-here

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