Lishogi Bot

i fork it and change to my token then I made a Heroku app then connect to github and run it. But it is not running

How to Use
Fork that repository.
Edit only your token in the config.yml file over here.
Create a new heroku app.
Go to the 'Deploy' tab and click 'Connect to GitHub'.
Click on 'search' and then select your fork of this repository.
Then 'Enable Automatic Deploys' and then select the 'master' branch (which is already done by default) and Click 'Deploy'.
Once it has been deployed, go to 'Resources' tab on heroku and enable 'worker' (bash dynos. (do note that if you don't see any dynos in the 'Resources' tab, then you must wait for about 5 minutes and then refresh your heroku page.)
You're now connected to lishogi and awaiting challenges! Your bot is up and ready!

but howd i enable 'worker' (bash dynos.

go to 'Resources' tab on heroku and enable 'worker' (bash dynos. (do note that if you don't see any dynos in the 'Resources' tab, then you must wait for about 5 minutes and then refresh your heroku page.)
