Hi! Last Arena topurnament (17/06) I played the feature + 10 seconds wasnt applied.
Arena 10+10
It was a 10|10 arena not a 10+10 arena. That means that you get 10 minutes of time with 10 seconds byoyomi. Byoyomi is not increment. en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/byoyomi
I didnt get the buyomi - It is easy to check the game and see how I had 6 sec. next move 2 sec. - next move only 1 sec.
After you spent your 10 minutes you had in the beginning, you then have only 10 seconds for each move. If you don't make a move in these 10 seconds, only then will you lose on time.
I know the mechanics, dont be silly. I DID not have 10 sec for each move. After 10 minutes I lost the game as I would play 10 minutes game without buyomi
I just noticed you beserked this game. Seemingly beserking removes Byoyomi.
If this is the case, maybe adding this to the 'Arena description' might be a very convenient option.
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