The End of the Chu Shogi Correspondence Tournament

After posting the voting thread and looking at the first round games, I have decided not to continue this tournament into the second round, as I do not think the time control will work well and I cannot think of a simple solution to the problem.
The standings are written below, but there are many ties, as we were not able to play a second round. Thank you all for participating.

1. Ashiok, StrangeBalloon
2. Olekaze
3. AlexTrick, GrafSchwarz
4. CouchTomato
5. KaijiAUT, Prnej
6. Octananda, tititogepi, yagura, hydroshadow
7. Katty
8. StrangeBalloon
9. Galago, dannebubben.

Even though tournament ended prematurely, I think a lot can be learned from this for future events. I hope everyone who signed enjoyed their time, as imho that's the most important part of it.

Also, should anyone want to, at least unofficially, continue, I decided that I will accept challenges from participants of this tournament whom I haven't played yet.

To everyone, thank you.

The second StrangeBalloon is meant to be SpaceShogi. Sorry for the confusion.

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