Study Feature

Hi, is it possible to please make the interactive study preview functional if I flip the board?

For example, the orientation on the settings for the specific chapter is gote but then I flip the board (NOT change the orientation) and then press preview but for some reason I can't make the moves...

Basically, I wanna make the interactive study preview from like the opponent's perspective

It works on lichess just fyi

I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz u are an al qaeda member and supports osama bin laden. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz i wanna be a gay nigger. i also suspect that u r @ hāmas member who killed a fucking n*z!. u better shut up or else i will kill YOU kkk idiot.
I wanna suck Your DikC man cuz u are an al qaeda member take dat id1iot

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