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102 forum posts
Lishogi Feedback - タクティクス問題のレーティング制度の改善を求めます#2

[Google Translate] The rating system for tactics problems has some problems, and I personally think that the rating system for tactics problems should be temporarily suspended until the following prob…

Lishogi Feedback - How many players do we need for quick pairing?#4

On Lichess I think the quick pairing pool implementation only succeeded on the second or third implementation, with 10000+ players logged in simultaneously... and players still resisted the idea so we…

Lishogi Feedback - Minishogi as a variant#8

I implemented mini-shogi on telnet port 5000 although the coordinates and UI leave much to be desired.

Lishogi Feedback - Could this be fixed#5

#3 I don't understand your question. The lead developer wrote: "Server with elastic search is not set up (same reason as these: #206, #184). Currently working on this." so he is currently working on t…

Lishogi Feedback - Dev - Websocket is already in a closing or closed state#9

Thanks, someone mentioned csrf.origin settings in lila-ws so I'm taking a look at that

Lishogi Feedback - Dev - Websocket is already in a closing or closed state#4

Thanks for everyone's interest... I've just now set up a systemd service, which hopefully keeps my test server running.

Lishogi Feedback - Engine 1 is so slow#5

Well, it was hosting shoginet (AI level 1), hosting a copy of Lishogi, trying to compile that copy of Lishogi, and I was also livestreaming at the same time... so it was slow at all of these things. h…

Lishogi Feedback - Engine 1 is so slow#3

FYI although I have an "always on" shoginet instance running, this morning I was also livestreaming and also developing & debugging Lishogi, so my server was suffering a bit.

Lishogi Feedback - Dev - Websocket is already in a closing or closed state#1

When developing at or after I create a study, I cannot play moves on the study. Similarly anything which requires a websocket encounters the same e…

General Shogi Discussion - How to use the lances and knights in shogi?#7

Indeed, since lances and knights cannot retreat, be careful about moving them forward.
