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6 forum posts
Lishogi Feedback - Has fairy stockfish rusted out since update?#2

I noticed this too! Level 1 of the AI would handily destroy me every time I played against it, but my last game I didn't even lose a single piece--and that's probably not because I got better ahah I t…

Lishogi Feedback - Engine a bit to strong for begginers?#3

I regularly get crushed too! But also, I feel like I'm getting a better sense about why I'm getting crushed the more it happens, ahah I'm not too put out when it happens, since shogi it's just a super…

Lishogi Feedback - Custom board backgrounds don't show up in puzzles or studies#3

Aaaaand, since this is more of a code thing than it is a support one (I think?) I opened an issue on GitHub with significantly more detail~

Lishogi Feedback - Custom board backgrounds don't show up in puzzles or studies#2

So! An update on this! It turns out what's getting me was CORS! If you were to set "" as your board background, you can see that it load…

Lishogi Feedback - (Bug?) Red Slash on Black Promoted Rook#7

Wait, that's a bug? I always thought it was a stylized slash for "hey look! a scary dragon", kinda like the drawing trope often used on red eyes in menacing art If it's unintentional, it's one of the …

Lishogi Feedback - Custom board backgrounds don't show up in puzzles or studies#1

Heyas all! I set a custom board background, which appears during games and previews, however when I'm doing a game study, or trying out a puzzle, it seems to not load Are those boards unique from othe…
