Search "user:Mandolin"

6 forum posts
General Shogi Discussion - Chu Shogi Tournament#10

@Galago, looks like i was a bit too late :(

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General Shogi Discussion - Chu Shogi Tournament#8

@Galago, where is the tournament you speak of?

General Shogi Discussion - Chu Shogi Tournament#7

Hello @AlexTrick, I would like to start the tournament on August 1st if more than four players have joined by than. If not, maybe September 1st. One round a week will be good I think. What would you b…

General Shogi Discussion - Chu Shogi Tournament#4

@MaikeruKonare, this tournament will be more formal then an arena. It will most likely be round robin format. Games will be played by players arranging to play matches with each other on their own tim…

General Shogi Discussion - Chu Shogi Tournament#1

I am hosting a Chu Shogi tournament on LiShogi. I will decide the format (e.g. swiss, round robin, etc.) after I see how many players have joined. If less than four players join, than the tournament w…
