Search "user:anavrin"

4 forum posts
Lishogi Feedback - Slow server analysis#3

How did you think they provided server analyses?

Lishogi Feedback - Chat#2

Chat does support emojis. There's browser extensions that let you select them, if your OS doesn't come prepackaged with an emoji selector.

Lishogi Feedback - How does this site become popular?#11

@LizardWizard You're right that I should've been more thoughtful in my OP. When I brought up the idea of a "memey gimmick mechanic", it was because I thought it would be the most effective way of obta…

Lishogi Feedback - How does this site become popular?#1

Nobody uses this site because nobody uses it. If people used this site then people would use it, but nobody uses it. How can this site gain popularity in either Japan or the west, or both? Get your ga…
