Search "user:dannebubben"

30 forum posts
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Lishogi Feedback - Computer Just Too Hard for Beginners#4

I also think that piece handicap would be a great way to make a weaker bot. It gives 8 extra levels or so.

Off-Topic Discussion - Genius vs. personality Three habits that knock out results#3

Nice text, thanks. Here is a great video on this subject:

Lishogi Feedback - Chu shogi cant post a move#4

Oh! Thank you, Now it works ^^

Lishogi Feedback - Chu shogi cant post a move#1 Hi and thanks for adding Chu shogi, seems like a fun game. When I try to play 51. Ln-69 I cant confirm that move. Is it a bug or an illegal move?

General Shogi Discussion - Pawns, what do you do with them.#2

Usually you start with P76 to open for the Bishop or P26 for a Rook attack. Watch some games and you will get a sense for it.

General Shogi Discussion - What should a beginner know about castles?#4

First you decide if you will play ibisha (static rook) or furibisha (ranging rook). King and rook should be far apart. When ibisha i think that kani gakoi (crab castle) is a good start. If you play fu…

General Shogi Discussion - Correspondece tournament#3

Usually all against all (Sonneborn–Berger) at the same time. Number of players can be maybe 7-15. So you play many games simultanously. The extra time is if you go for a holiday or so.

General Shogi Discussion - Correspondece tournament#1

Long time ago I played alots of (western) chess tournaments. It would be nice if there where some tournaments here as well. Perhaps 3days / move with 14 days buffert.
