General Shogi Discussion - Kana Satomi#2 Here you go. Just in case,Sente is Kariyama. | nendojin |
General Shogi Discussion - Shogi videos#2 I made another video. This time I matched against sasorii from Vietnam, who is also a youtuber. Please enjoy the video. | nendojin |
General Shogi Discussion - Shogi videos#1 I made a simple video playing shogi on lishogi. please watch it if interested. Have fun and write comments if you have any questions or comments about the video. | nendojin |
Lishogi Feedback - Great Puzzles!!#1 I just wanted to say lishogi puzzles are great. I am Japanese, and 3 dan in ShogiClub24. My major problem in Shogi trainings were that Tsume-Shogis are boring. I have found that the biggest reason was… | nendojin |
General Shogi Discussion - Youtube video playing shogi on lishogi by japanese#3 Thank you for everyone who watched my previous video. I made another one. Please watch it if you are interested. Today's video: 15/60match opening: Aigakari | nendojin |
General Shogi Discussion - Youtube video playing shogi on lishogi by japanese#1 In another topic someone was saying that we need more streamers to make lishogi popular. So I made a really simple video. I couldn't make it so exciting mainly because of my poor English and video edi… | nendojin |
General Shogi Discussion - we need more players#19 I am Japanese and, I belong to a Japanese Shogi club on the web called Noritama Shogi Club,and KurisoraDan. Lishogi is still not very popular in Japan because of the ShogiClub24 and Shogiwars. They al… | nendojin |