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3 forum posts
Lishogi Feedback - タクティクスの正解よりいい手を指したんですけど不正解にされました。#vgllk の正解が間違っています。#7

@Mr_Tanishist 現状downvote(低評価)を押すことで自然に削除されるのを待つしかありません

General Shogi Discussion - How much do the pieces value in shogi?#12

nice question @YoBot_v2 ! When we capture a Gold, we get a Gold. But we capture a Promoted Pawn, we get only pawn. It's very cheap. This means that promoted pawns are worth a little more than other pr…

General Shogi Discussion - How much do the pieces value in shogi?#7

Shogi grandmaster Koji Tanigawa said, Pawn = 1 Lance = 3 Knight = 4 Silver = 5 Gold = 6 Bishop = 8 Rook = 10, Promoted Pawn = 7 Promoted Silver = Promoted Knight = Promoted Lance = 6 Promoted Bishop =…
