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Checkmate, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2024/11/10 01:09:57 終了日時:2024/11/10 01:32:06 棋戦:Shogibuss 4: The Shogenning Arena 場所:https://lishogi.org/hnKcbpTF 持ち時間:10分+40秒 手合割:平手 先手:Xavior101 後手:Kuroi_Kaminari 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 3四歩(33) 3 2六歩(27) 4 8四歩(83) 5 7八金(69) 6 8五歩(84) 7 6八飛(28) 8 8八角成(22) 9 同 銀(79) 10 2七角打 11 3八銀(39) 12 5四角成(27) 13 4八玉(59) 14 7六馬(54) 15 7七銀(88) 16 5四馬(76) 17 3九玉(48) 18 4四馬(54) 19 4八金(49) 20 2六馬(44) 21 2八玉(39) 22 3三桂(21) 23 2七銀(38) 24 4四馬(26) 25 3八金(48) 26 8六歩(85) 27 同 銀(77) 28 9九馬(44) 29 8八金(78) 30 8三香打 31 7七銀(86) 32 8六歩打 33 同 歩(87) 34 8七歩打 35 9八金(88) 36 8九馬(99) 37 8七金(98) 38 7九馬(89) 39 6六角打 40 3二銀(31) 41 8八金(87) 42 7六桂打 43 7八飛(68) 44 8八桂成(76) 45 7九飛(78) 46 同 成桂(88) 47 2二角打 48 2一金打 49 3三角成(22) 50 同 銀(32) 51 同 角成(66) 52 4二金(41) 53 2三馬(33) 54 3二金(21) 55 3四馬(23) 56 3三金(32) 57 4五馬(34) 58 6二銀(71) 59 6六歩(67) 60 7五飛打 61 6七馬(45) 62 4五角打 63 5八馬(67) 64 7七飛成(75) 65 4六歩(47) 66 5四角(45) 67 4五銀打 68 8七角成(54) 69 6九桂打 70 8八龍(77) 71 2二歩打 72 5八龍(88) 73 3六銀(45) 74 3九角打 75 同 玉(28) 76 6九馬(87) 77 4七角打 78 5七龍(58) 79 6九角(47) 80 同 成桂(79) 81 4七角打 82 1四歩(13) 83 5八歩打 84 4六龍(57) 85 4八歩打 86 1五歩(14) 87 2八玉(39) 88 1六歩(15) 89 同 歩(17) 90 1七歩打 91 同 玉(28) 92 2四桂打 93 3五銀(36) 94 1六香(11) 95 2八玉(17) 96 3五龍(46) 97 1六銀(27) 98 同 桂(24) 99 同 香(19) 100 2六龍(35) 101 2七金(38) 102 3九銀打 103 3八玉(28) 104 4八銀成(39) 105 2八玉(38) 106 3九角打 107 1八玉(28) 108 1七歩打 109 同 金(27) 110 2八龍(26) 111 詰み
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  1. Xavior101hi
  2. Kuroi_Kaminarihi
  3. Kuroi_Kaminariso if you push your rook pawn
  4. Kuroi_Kaminariyou need to support him with your rook
  5. Xavior101ok
  6. Xavior101what next
  7. Kuroi_Kaminarinow he's alone
  8. Kuroi_Kaminariand there's a hole for dropping things here
  9. Kuroi_Kaminariso that's why that happened
  10. Kuroi_Kaminariand you saw that it's really annoying having a horse running around
  11. Kuroi_Kaminariand now this abandoned pawn can get taken
  12. Xavior101makes snese
  13. Kuroi_Kaminarimoving your kind right up to my attacker is also a bold choice lol
  14. Xavior101my what
  15. Kuroi_Kaminariking
  16. Kuroi_Kaminarisorry
  17. Xavior101its good
  18. Xavior101i knew it was over by that time
  19. Kuroi_Kaminariyou played well though, you didn't really make it easy for me
  20. Xavior101thanks
  21. Xavior101Yeah so
  22. Kuroi_Kaminaribut yeah, being at a materiel disadvantage hurts double here since your opponent gets your pieces
  23. Xavior101have you studied openings
  24. Kuroi_Kaminariyeah
  25. Kuroi_Kaminarinot as much as some people here, but a little
  26. Xavior101Who should i talk to
  27. Xavior101like
  28. Xavior101coach wise to get better
  29. Kuroi_KaminariLily and Melkor both seemed eager to teach you, lol
  30. Xavior101which one should i choose?
  31. Kuroi_Kaminaritalk to both
  32. Kuroi_Kaminariand also try to learn the fundamental principles
  33. Xavior101Yeah
  34. Kuroi_Kaminariso, keep rook apart from king, use golds to defend, watch from openings that your opponent can drop into
  35. Kuroi_Kaminariis there anything specific you want to ask about?