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1P-76+1.200:002P-34+1.400:003P-66-1.100:064P-44+0.600:015R-68-0.800:076R-42+0.500:017S-28-0.700:058K-62-0.700:019K-48-1.000:0410K-72-1.000:0211K-38-0.700:0112K-82+1.000:0013G-48+0.700:0114S-72+1.500:0015G69-58+0.900:0116G41-52+1.700:0117S-78+1.400:0318P-94+1.700:0019P-96+1.400:0120P-64+1.800:0321P-16+1.700:0022S-32+2.300:0323S-67+1.100:0324P-45+1.400:0125P-15+0.900:0226P-24+1.200:0827S-56+0.800:1328S-23+2.400:0829B-97+1.100:1330P-14+1.000:0631Px14+0.600:0432Lx14+0.900:0133P*17-0.200:0934P-25-0.400:2035Bx640.000:0236G-63+1.700:0837B-55??-12.700:05Blunder. Best move was B-8637.B-8638.P-4639.Px46[...]38Bx55-12.700:0939Sx55-12.600:0140P-26??-2.000:07Blunder. Best drop was B*3340.B*3341.P-9542.Px95[...]41Px26?-10.300:06Mistake. Best move was P-6541.P-6542.P*6743.Gx67[...]42P*27?!-6.200:02Inaccuracy. Best drop was B*3342.B*3343.P-9544.Px95[...]43Sx27-6.000:0544S-24??+9.600:04Blunder. Best drop was B*3344.B*3345.P-9546.Px95[...]45P-65+8.500:1346P-54+10.600:2947S-64?!+7.100:05Inaccuracy. Best move was P-6447.P-6448.G63-6249.Sx54[...]48Gx64+8.400:0949Px64+8.500:0150S-35??+21.400:30Blunder. Best move was P-4650.P-4651.Px4652.S-35[...]51P-63+?+13.000:02Mistake. Best drop was B*5351.B*5352.P-4653.Bx42+[...]52Sx63??+28.600:03Blunder. Best move was P-4652.P-4653.+Px7254.Gx72[...]53Rx63++25.900:0254G-72?!+33.700:10Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*6254.P*6255.+R-5356.R-22[...]55+R-53+28.800:1356R-12?!+42.800:07Inaccuracy. Best move was R-2256.R-2257.B*3158.S*62[...]57N-77?!+26.500:24Inaccuracy. Best drop was S*6357.S*6358.Gx6359.+Rx63[...]58S*15?!+46.600:03Inaccuracy. Best drop was S*6958.S*6959.G-6860.P-46[...]59N-85?!+26.800:04Inaccuracy. Best drop was S*6359.S*6360.Gx6361.+Rx63[...]60S15x26?!+35.800:13Inaccuracy. Best move was P-4660.P-4661.S*6362.Px47+[...]61Sx26+30.900:3962Sx26+33.300:0163G*63?!+22.600:12Inaccuracy. Best move was K-4963.K-4964.B*2765.S*38[...]64Lx17+?!+31.000:34Inaccuracy. Best drop was B*2764.B*2765.K-3966.P*28[...]65Gx72+25.900:0366Kx72?#900:05Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was Rx7266.Rx7267.K-4968.S*62[...]67B*63#800:1768K-82#700:1669+R-51??#-300:58Lost forced checkmate sequence. Best drop was G*7269.G*7270.Rx7271.Bx72+[...]70B*27#-200:0371K-39#-100:2772S*2800:03
Checkmate, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2021/08/16 20:13:29 終了日時:2021/08/16 20:24:05 棋戦:Casual Classical game 場所: 持ち時間:30分+25秒 手合割:平手 先手:Little_Axolotl 後手:WeiJin 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 3四歩(33) 3 6六歩(67) 4 4四歩(43) 5 6八飛(28) 6 4二飛(82) 7 2八銀(39) 8 6二玉(51) 9 4八玉(59) 10 7二玉(62) 11 3八玉(48) 12 8二玉(72) 13 4八金(49) 14 7二銀(71) 15 5八金(69) 16 5二金(41) 17 7八銀(79) 18 9四歩(93) 19 9六歩(97) 20 6四歩(63) 21 1六歩(17) 22 3二銀(31) 23 6七銀(78) 24 4五歩(44) 25 1五歩(16) 26 2四歩(23) 27 5六銀(67) 28 2三銀(32) 29 9七角(88) 30 1四歩(13) 31 同 歩(15) 32 同 香(11) 33 1七歩打 34 2五歩(24) 35 6四角(97) 36 6三金(52) 37 5五角(64) 38 同 角(22) 39 同 銀(56) 40 2六歩(25) 41 同 歩(27) 42 2七歩打 43 同 銀(28) 44 2四銀(23) 45 6五歩(66) 46 5四歩(53) 47 6四銀(55) 48 同 金(63) 49 同 歩(65) 50 3五銀(24) 51 6三歩成(64) 52 同 銀(72) 53 同 飛成(68) 54 7二金(61) 55 5三龍(63) 56 1二飛(42) 57 7七桂(89) 58 1五銀打 59 8五桂(77) 60 2六銀(15) 61 同 銀(27) 62 同 銀(35) 63 6三金打 64 1七香成(14) 65 7二金(63) 66 同 玉(82) 67 6三角打 68 8二玉(72) 69 5一龍(53) 70 2七角打 71 3九玉(38) 72 2八銀打 73 詰み
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471Average centipawn loss
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  1. Rematch offer sent
  2. Rematch offer cancelled
  3. WeiJinare you in the analysis thing rn?
  4. Little_AxolotlIt's my first time..
  5. Little_AxolotlWell, it seems that I need to do more tsume
  6. WeiJinyeah... I think there might of been some kind of checkmate there at the end
  7. Little_AxolotlHow did you started playing shogi?
  8. WeiJinI heard about it through chess
  9. WeiJinand then I've been trying it out a little bit after watching some of HIDETCHIs tutorials
  10. Little_AxolotlHeh, same
  11. Little_Axolotldo you want to play one more time?
  12. WeiJinim a bit busy right now so I cant play another game
  13. Little_AxolotlWell, thank you for playing