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Checkmate, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2022/01/07 09:05:36 終了日時:2022/01/07 09:35:20 棋戦:Casual Classical game 場所: 持ち時間:15分+60秒 手合割:平手 先手:Sahukei 後手:Hedgehog 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 2六歩(27) 2 3四歩(33) 3 2五歩(26) 4 3三角(22) 5 3八銀(39) 6 3二金(41) 7 5八金(69) 8 8四歩(83) 9 7六歩(77) 10 4四歩(43) 11 7七角(88) 12 4二銀(31) 13 7八銀(79) 14 5二金(61) 15 6九玉(59) 16 4一玉(51) 17 7九玉(69) 18 8五歩(84) 19 4八金(49) 20 6二銀(71) 21 3六歩(37) 22 4三銀(42) 23 3七銀(38) 24 5四歩(53) 25 4六銀(37) 26 5三銀(62) 27 3五歩(36) 28 同 歩(34) 29 同 銀(46) 30 3四歩打 31 4六銀(35) 32 6四銀(53) 33 6六歩(67) 34 7四歩(73) 35 6七金(58) 36 7五歩(74) 37 3七金(48) 38 7六歩(75) 39 同 金(67) 40 7五歩打 41 6五金(76) 42 同 銀(64) 43 同 歩(66) 44 7六歩(75) 45 9五角(77) 46 9四歩(93) 47 7三角成(95) 48 同 桂(81) 49 5六銀打 50 8六歩(85) 51 同 歩(87) 52 同 飛(82) 53 8七歩打 54 8五飛(86) 55 7二歩打 56 6五桂(73) 57 6七銀(56) 58 7七歩成(76) 59 同 銀(78) 60 同 桂成(65) 61 同 桂(89) 62 8七飛成(85) 63 7八銀(67) 64 8三龍(87) 65 8七歩打 66 7三龍(83) 67 6九桂打 68 7二龍(73) 69 6七歩打 70 7六歩打 71 5六歩(57) 72 7七歩成(76) 73 同 銀(78) 74 4五歩(44) 75 同 銀(46) 76 7六歩打 77 8八銀(77) 78 7七銀打 79 4六金(37) 80 8八銀成(77) 81 同 飛(28) 82 同 角成(33) 83 同 玉(79) 84 7七銀打 85 同 桂(69) 86 同 歩成(76) 87 9八玉(88) 88 8八金打 89 詰み
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  1. Takeback sent
  2. Takeback declined
  3. Sahukeiwhere did i mess up TwT
  4. HedgehogI think this gold move is already non-standard, as far as I understand this game (which is not much)
  5. Sahukeiwait
  6. Sahukeiis there a way to see what ur doig
  7. Sahukeion the board
  8. Hedgehogoo, I don't know
  9. Sahukeiaa
  10. HedgehogI've never played on lishogi
  11. Hedgehogbut I was talking about gold on move 6
  12. Sahukeioo
  13. Hedgehogit's moving the gold closer to your rook, where your king *won't* be
  14. Sahukeio
  15. Hedgehogmove 27 pawn push ended up being a passing move
  16. Hedgehogbut I'm not sure it needed to be
  17. Sahukeiwhats a passin gmove
  18. Hedgehogas in, it ends up like you passed
  19. Sahukeiwaa
  20. Hedgehogif we look at move 27
  21. Hedgehogit's your move
  22. Hedgehogmove 31
  23. Hedgehogit's my move
  24. Hedgehogand you have one less pawn on the board
  25. Hedgehogso you passed and gave me a pawn
  26. Hedgehog:)
  27. Hedgehogoh
  28. Hedgehogno, you took the pawn into your hand
  29. Sahukeiumu
  30. HedgehogI was thinking, after i dropped the pawn on move 30, you could also think about pushing the pawn on file 2
  31. HedgehogI don't have time to take your silver
  32. Sahukeino time to take silver?
  33. Hedgehogsince you'll promote with the pawn on 23
  34. Hedgehogattacking my bishop
  35. Hedgehogand it's supported by your rook
  36. Sahukeiooooooooooooooooooh
  37. Sahukeii just realized
  38. Hedgehogengine also says pawn to 24 only move
  39. Hedgehogso it turns out I made a big mistake, but sadly you didn't capitalize
  40. Sahukeiloool
  41. Hedgehogand then move 36 is a big threat
  42. Hedgehogyou can't ignore this pawn
  43. Sahukeio
  44. Hedgehogcertainly you shouldn't move your gold further away from defending your king; the gold is a defensive piece usually
  45. Sahukeioooh lol
  46. Sahukeii dint know that
  47. Hedgehogand luring a gold to take diagonally is a common tactic
  48. Hedgehogyou should remember this one
  49. Hedgehogsince gold can't go back diagonally
  50. Hedgehogafter this, the big mistake was overlooking the knight :)
  51. Sahukeiwhich mov?
  52. Hedgehog46
  53. Hedgehog*47
  54. Sahukeioooh that moment...
  55. HedgehogI think the big mistakes were not defending your king and not attacking strongly
  56. Sahukeiso.. i didnt do anything good xdd
  57. Hedgehogyou still have the possibility to build an attack with your rook, even while I'm attacking
  58. Hedgehogif you keep defending, you end up caught in the quicksand where you just keep defending and defending, and giving me more material
  59. Sahukeitrue
  60. Sahukeieeeeeeheh
  61. Hedgehogat such a moment I believe you want to look for a counterattack
  62. Hedgehogif only to force me to drop a piece in defense
  63. Hedgehogbut that's easier said than done :)
  64. Hedgehogwas there any other point that you have a question about?
  65. Sahukeinope
  66. Hedgehogok, then thank you for the game, and hope to play you again :)
  67. Sahukeigg! ill make sure to utilize my gold better next time
  68. Sahukeia