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Checkmate, Sente is victorious
開始日時:2021/03/21 17:34:43 終了日時:2021/03/21 17:47:34 棋戦:Rated Rapid game 場所: 持ち時間:5分+20秒 手合割:平手 先手:Shymon 後手:ShogiBean 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 8四歩(83) 3 2六歩(27) 4 8五歩(84) 5 7七角(88) 6 4二飛(82) 7 2五歩(26) 8 4四歩(43) 9 2四歩(25) 10 3二銀(31) 11 2三歩成(24) 12 同 銀(32) 13 同 飛成(28) 14 4五歩(44) 15 4八銀(39) 16 1四歩(13) 17 5八金(49) 18 1三角(22) 19 2四銀打 20 3一金(41) 21 1三銀成(24) 22 同 桂(21) 23 3三角成(77) 24 3二銀打 25 4二馬(33) 26 同 金(31) 27 2二龍(23) 28 4四角打 29 7七角打 30 2二角(44) 31 同 角成(77) 32 2八飛打 33 1一馬(22) 34 2九飛成(28) 35 6八玉(59) 36 1九龍(29) 37 8三香打 38 7二銀(71) 39 8一香成(83) 40 同 銀(72) 41 4四桂打 42 4一銀(32) 43 2四歩打 44 6四歩(63) 45 2三歩成(24) 46 6五歩(64) 47 3二と(23) 48 同 銀(41) 49 同 桂成(44) 50 同 金(42) 51 6三角打 52 7二銀(81) 53 8五角成(63) 54 7四香打 55 7七桂(89) 56 6四香打 57 7五歩(76) 58 同 香(74) 59 同 馬(85) 60 5二桂打 61 2一飛打 62 6二玉(51) 63 3六香打 64 7四歩(73) 65 同 馬(75) 66 7三銀(72) 67 9六馬(74) 68 6六歩(65) 69 6三銀打 70 7一玉(62) 71 6一飛成(21) 72 同 玉(71) 73 7二金打 74 5一玉(61) 75 5二銀成(63) 76 詰み
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Spectator room
  1. GinShoNinjaCan spectators see each other's arrows?
  2. jienjienNo we can't see arrows
  3. GinShoNinjaAww, we can't draw drop arrows. D=
  4. GinShoNinjaty
  5. jienjienyou can click on the pieces, use middle mouse button
  6. jienjienfor drops
  7. jienjienin analysis only tho
  8. jienjienoh wait no
  9. GinShoNinjaAhh, okay. It lets you do all the other arrows here tho?
  10. jienjienright click
  11. jienjienmy bad
  12. jienjienright click the pieces , then right click the boare
  13. jienjienboard
  14. GinShoNinjaOh okay. Got it, thank you
  15. GinShoNinjaIn 81 dojo analysis, you just drag from there like normal lol
  16. jienjienwell, not every site are the same
  17. jienjienand i prefer 81dojo for its PGA
  18. GinShoNinjaIt does have some nice features
  19. GinShoNinjaBishop 24
  20. GinShoNinjacheck fork
  21. GinShoNinjanom nom nom
  22. GinShoNinjaawww
  23. GinShoNinjaRooki promotion to 24 wins the knight
  24. GinShoNinjaNice forced mate
  25. jienjiengg
  26. GinShoNinjaGG