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1P-76+1.200:002P-34+1.400:003P-160.000:014P-14+1.500:015P-75?!-1.600:12Inaccuracy. Best move was P-265.P-266.P-847.P-25[...]6K-42-0.600:057P-66-1.600:028P-84-1.000:079R-78-1.100:0610S-62-1.000:0611S-68-1.300:0712P-85-0.600:0213R-76-1.300:0114K-32-0.800:0515S-38-0.800:0616S-42-1.100:0817G69-58-1.500:0818G-31-0.500:0119K-48-0.200:0820P-64-0.400:2121N-77-0.500:0722S-630.000:0423P-96-0.400:0124P-94-0.200:0125B-97-1.500:0126G-72-1.300:1027S-67-2.600:0128G-83-1.500:0629K-39-2.500:2930G-84-1.500:1431K-28-3.200:1432R-72?!+1.100:06Inaccuracy. Best move was P-9532.P-9533.Px9534.Gx95[...]33L-98?!-3.100:20Inaccuracy. Best move was P-6533.P-6534.R-6235.S-66[...]34P-74-2.600:1435Px74-1.800:0836Sx74?!+2.200:03Inaccuracy. Best move was Gx7436.Gx7437.P*7538.G-84[...]37Bx64+0.200:0338S-75??+9.500:04Blunder. Best drop was P*7538.P*7539.Bx91+40.R-71[...]39Rx75+8.500:1240Rx75+9.700:4341Bx75?!+6.400:23Inaccuracy. Best drop was P*7641.P*7642.R-7343.Bx73+[...]42Gx75+5.900:0243R*71?!+1.600:01Inaccuracy. Best drop was R*7243.R*7244.Gx6645.Sx66[...]44P*76??+12.400:24Blunder. Best move was Gx6644.Gx6645.Sx6646.Bx66[...]45Rx75++11.200:1746Px77++12.700:0447+Rx77+11.600:0448B-55+11.701:3949S*46+11.900:4850B-73+12.800:4651+Rx73??+2.300:51Blunder. Best drop was P*7451.P*7452.B-6453.P-65[...]52Nx73+1.900:0553B*55+1.600:0154N-33+3.200:1155Bx73++0.600:0456R*79?!+4.400:10Inaccuracy. Best move was P-1556.P-1557.Px1558.Lx15[...]57+Bx91+3.900:1058R*99+4.900:3759G58-48?!+0.401:49Inaccuracy. Best drop was G*5959.G*5960.P-1561.Px15[...]60Rx98+0.000:4161P*78-1.900:2362N*75?!+1.900:24Inaccuracy. Best move was P-1562.P-1563.+B-5564.L*17[...]63S-58+2.500:1164+Rx78+1.500:0465+B-55?!-3.602:54Inaccuracy. Best drop was G*6965.G*6966.+Rx6967.Sx69[...]66N-67+-0.500:3467+B-56??-18.003:17Blunder. Best drop was G*5967.G*5968.+Nx5869.G48x58[...]68B*76??+1.602:36Blunder. Best move was +Nx5868.+Nx5869.+Bx7870.+Nx49[...]69L*26?-4.500:29Mistake. Best move was Sx6769.Sx6770.Bx67+71.+Bx67[...]70L*24??+5.000:37Blunder. Best drop was L*2270.L*2271.Sx6772.Bx67+[...]71+Bx34+3.501:0472+Nx58?!+7.200:37Inaccuracy. Best move was Lx2672.Lx2673.Sx6774.Bx67+[...]73N*35?!+1.701:17Inaccuracy. Best move was Lx2473.Lx2474.S*3975.K-17[...]74+Nx48?!+5.002:18Inaccuracy. Best drop was S*2274.S*2275.G49x5876.Lx26[...]75+Bx23+4.300:0676K-21+6.800:0377+Bx78??-30.802:02Blunder. Best move was Gx4877.Gx4878.S*1379.Lx24[...]78S*39??+7.200:24Blunder. Best move was Bx49+78.Bx49+79.Sx4980.Rx78+[...]79K-17??-16.800:46Blunder. Best move was Gx3979.Gx3980.Rx39+81.K-17[...]80Rx78+-11.800:1481Lx24-11.500:0882P*22-7.000:4183L*34??#-701:08Checkmate is now unavoidable. Best move was Gx3983.Gx3984.+Nx3985.S*34[...]84B*28#-600:1485K-18#-500:0386Bx19+#-400:31
Sente resigned, Gote is victorious
開始日時:2021/07/20 12:15:19 終了日時:2021/07/20 12:53:42 棋戦:Rated Classical game 場所: 持ち時間:20分+60秒 手合割:平手 先手:Neral 後手:Tepin 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 7六歩(77) 2 3四歩(33) 3 1六歩(17) 4 1四歩(13) 5 7五歩(76) 6 4二玉(51) 7 6六歩(67) 8 8四歩(83) 9 7八飛(28) 10 6二銀(71) 11 6八銀(79) 12 8五歩(84) 13 7六飛(78) 14 3二玉(42) 15 3八銀(39) 16 4二銀(31) 17 5八金(69) 18 3一金(41) 19 4八玉(59) 20 6四歩(63) 21 7七桂(89) 22 6三銀(62) 23 9六歩(97) 24 9四歩(93) 25 9七角(88) 26 7二金(61) 27 6七銀(68) 28 8三金(72) 29 3九玉(48) 30 8四金(83) 31 2八玉(39) 32 7二飛(82) 33 9八香(99) 34 7四歩(73) 35 同 歩(75) 36 同 銀(63) 37 6四角(97) 38 7五銀(74) 39 同 飛(76) 40 同 飛(72) 41 同 角(64) 42 同 金(84) 43 7一飛打 44 7六歩打 45 7五飛成(71) 46 7七歩成(76) 47 同 龍(75) 48 5五角(22) 49 4六銀打 50 7三角(55) 51 同 龍(77) 52 同 桂(81) 53 5五角打 54 3三桂(21) 55 7三角成(55) 56 7九飛打 57 9一馬(73) 58 9九飛打 59 4八金(58) 60 9八飛成(99) 61 7八歩打 62 7五桂打 63 5八銀(67) 64 7八龍(98) 65 5五馬(91) 66 6七桂成(75) 67 5六馬(55) 68 7六角打 69 2六香打 70 2四香打 71 3四馬(56) 72 5八成桂(67) 73 3五桂打 74 4八成桂(58) 75 2三馬(34) 76 2一玉(32) 77 7八馬(23) 78 3九銀打 79 1七玉(28) 80 7八飛成(79) 81 2四香(26) 82 2二歩打 83 3四香打 84 2八角打 85 1八玉(17) 86 1九角成(28) 87 投了
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableExport
Neral −83
456Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
Tepin +11
326Average centipawn loss
Spectator room
  1. Neralnever played against this castle before
  2. Tepinelmo castle
  3. Tepinreally strong against ranging rook
  4. TepinI'm usually a ranging rook player
  5. Tepinbut I play it against 3th file rook
  6. Neralhere I prefer my position
  7. TepinI can't see
  8. Tepinit's not impolemented yet
  9. Neralfrom move 58
  10. NeralL59 instead of G48
  11. Tepinyep
  12. NeralI still don't see an attack but it seems more solid
  13. Neralwait
  14. NeralI am behind in terms of value?
  15. Neralno
  16. Tepinno, you're black
  17. Neral2 generals vs 1 rook
  18. Neralmy silver 46 needs to attack
  19. Neralmaybe N26 is ok
  20. Neralyou have only 3 pieces in hand
  21. Neraland if N*75 I can play G*78
  22. Tepinit was very close anyway
  23. Neralyeah
  24. NeralI didn't see the bishop sac in 19 in the end
  25. Neralthought you had to grab the knight first
  26. Tepinyeah that was my aim initially
  27. NeralOMG
  28. Neralmove 73
  29. Tepintook me 30 second to see that easy mate lol
  30. NeralI could take the lance
  31. Tepinoh well
  32. TepinI gtg
  33. Tepinbye
  34. Neralsee you
  35. Neralcc