This is Chu Shogi (中将棋), or Middle Shogi, a board game similar to shogi, but on a larger board. The goal of the game is to checkmate the king. Each piece is marked with a character, called a "kanji," which represents the piece's name.1Ln-68There are also "international pieces," which show icons of what the pieces are, like in chess, as well as "czech pieces," which show both kanji and the piece movement. "International pieces" also can give clues to the piece movements in some cases.2Ln-75I recommend using "czech pieces." These have diagrams to help you with the movements as well as the kanji, so that you can naturally learn the kanji as you play games. Go ahead and click your username in the top right corner and change your piece set to the ones with the arrows :)
Chat room
  1. JiemiBest tutorial
  2. GalagoI am working on adding some chapters about openings and basic strategy
  3. GalagoMaybe also one game analysis
  4. MetalKingOfKinAss for moving on the board, it would really help to add at least one enemy pawn into each chapter, so that you can make multiple moves.
  5. MetalKingOfKinwhich you cant without moving the enemys piece
  6. MetalKingOfKini want to move my promoted blind tiger around and eat some
  7. GalagoI will add a lion so that you can make infinite moves
  8. GalagoThat would not be difficult
  9. altyreI am glad to watch this for study! Thank you very much!
  10. tuongkhue1009_The lion is special...