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1P-762G-323P-264P-845P-256P-857G-788P-349P-6610P-9411P-9612P-1413G-5814N-3315P-4616P-7417S-6818N-7319K-6920P-1521S-3822P-3523S-4723.G-4824P-6425P-3626Px3627Sx3628P-4429P*3430P-5431Px33+32Gx3333P-4534R-3235Px4436Gx4437R-3838G-4339N*3540G-4241Nx23+42R-3443+Nx2244Sx2245P*3546R-3347R-4848P*4349B-9750G-4150.G-5351Bx6452N*8153B*2454S-6255P-3456P-4457Rx4457.Px33+58G-4258.S-2359.Rx41+60.Kx4161.G*4259Rx42+Sente wins by checkmate.
Chat room
  1. Hedgehogok, so very important - knights are very difficult to use
  2. Hedgehogif you play them early, they often get trapped and the opponent can capture them easily
  3. Hedgehogsee, your knight has no safe places to go
  4. Hedgehogsorry, I'll flip the board so it's easier for you
  5. Hedgehognotice also that all my generals have been played up
  6. Hedgehogwhile for you, three generals are still in their starting position
  7. Hedgehogyou should try using your generals a bit more - it is the 'game of generals' after all
  8. Hedgehogyou use three generals for defense, and one for attack
  9. HedgehogI have some defensive position here
  10. Hedgehogand one general that is going to attack
  11. Hedgehogthis is a good idea I think
  12. Hedgehogthough it is risky to put your rook and bishop together
  13. Hedgehogthey might get forked
  14. Hedgehogas happens here
  15. Hedgehoghere, you might consider a move like this
  16. Hedgehogand you can use your other generals to assist in defense
  17. Hedgehogso, here I can take your rook for free
  18. Hedgehogbut I don't do it, because I can do it later as well, and now I want to get checkmate as fast as possible
  19. Hedgehogand this move threatens checkmate as well
  20. Hedgehogsay you do something else
  21. Hedgehogso yeah, I would say you have a good idea of capturing pieces and playing with the big pieces, but you should now
  22. Hedgehogtry to learn how to use the generals
  23. Hedgehogany remaining questions?