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1P-762P-843P-754S-625R-786P-857K-488P-869Px8610Rx8611P-7412Px7413Rx7414P*7315R-7816P*8717B-7718R-8219K-3820G61-5221K-2822K-4223P-3623.S-3824.P-7424P-3425P-6625.Bx22+26.Sx2227.B*5528.B*3326B-5527N-3728S-3229P-5630B-4431B-5932N-3333P*7433.R-7734Px7435Rx7436P*7337R-7738P-88+39Sx88Sente resigns.40Rx88+41S-3842+Rx8943R-6744+Rx99
Chat room
  1. denisAlright, so i added you
  2. denisand made you a "participant"
  3. denisi dont know lol
  4. Hedgehogah I reloaded and I can chat!
  5. Hedgehogok, let's go
  6. deniswww.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly06LC7H0go&ab_channel=HIDETCHI
  7. Hedgehogcan you see when I'm going through the moves?
  8. denisyeah
  9. denisi started this vid before out game, so i tried to do it x)
  10. Hedgehogok I should tell you that I know nothing about 3d file rook and was really scared when you played it
  11. Hedgehogso I can't tell you if this is joseki or not
  12. Hedgehogdo you know if it is?
  13. denisno clue
  14. denisas i said, this was like my 10th game xD
  15. Hedgehogyes, but you did go for a specific strategy, so maybe you knew...
  16. denisyou did not really play along according to the vid :D
  17. Hedgehogyeah like I said, I don't know any joseki
  18. HedgehogI think bishop exchange might be interesting here
  19. deniswhy?
  20. denisdont you just progress and i dont?
  21. Hedgehogmaybe; I don't know if me playing my silver up is really 'progress'
  22. Hedgehogand you do get the initiative to put your bishop in a nice square
  23. Hedgehogbut it gets complicated
  24. Hedgehogbut I feel this pawn push just gives me control of the diagonal
  25. denisi think i needed to play r68 at some point so i can go g78
  26. Hedgehogthis bishop move is the first move that I think is a mistake
  27. denisi was really idealess xD
  28. Hedgehogwhat ws the reason you played it?
  29. denisi wanted to remaneuver it to the other side to get stuff there
  30. denisand give place to the rook
  31. denisi didnt see i gave up the pawn
  32. Hedgehogyes, this is one reason i didn't like that pawn to 66, since it ties down the bishop
  33. Hedgehogah yeah and this pawn drop just loses a tempo, basically
  34. Hedgehogsee, it's your turn
  35. denishow that?
  36. Hedgehogand now, ok, you move to a different spot
  37. denisah it was my move not its yours and its the same position
  38. denisget it
  39. Hedgehogso you could also have just gone
  40. Hedgehogand the position is the same
  41. denistewari
  42. Hedgehogso it doesn't lose a tempo, but it also doesn't do anything
  43. deniswhats the lowest shogi rank? 25k?
  44. HedgehogI think 10kyu?
  45. Hedgehogare you a go player?
  46. denisyeah
  47. HedgehogI also came from go
  48. denis:-)
  49. Hedgehogthere's a lot of shared terms but they're slightly different
  50. deniswhat rank did you achieve there?
  51. Hedgehogabout 6kyu at my best, but that was at the local club so there's some large 'error bars'
  52. denisdo you still play it? when did you switch to shogi :D?
  53. denisahaha, i see :)
  54. denisif you want to play some go, hook me up :)
  55. HedgehogI only started playing shogi december last year
  56. Hedgehogso I'm still a beginner myself
  57. Hedgehoghow strong are you in go?
  58. denisdepends on the platform i guess
  59. denisstoped playing tournaments seriously a while ago
  60. denisfox 5d, kgs 2d is most accurate i guess
  61. Hedgehogaah, cool
  62. Hedgehogwell, I would also like to tell you that resigning here felt very sudden to me
  63. denismaybe thats an attitude i got from playing chcess once in a while
  64. Hedgehogin chess this is very much the situation, 'lose a piece lose the game'
  65. Hedgehogbut in shogi, material is not so important
  66. deniswhen you loose a strong piece with no compensation its usually not inappropriate to just resign
  67. denisyou will just continue to**** my left side, no?
  68. denisand i get nothing
  69. deniswhile you even strengthen your hand
  70. Hedgehogok, but this is what can happen: you still have three generals near your king, so you can make a strong castle
  71. HedgehogIt might be hard for me to attack, and if I mess up the attack I sacrifice some pieces, giving you more in hand
  72. Hedgehogand suddenly the game is balanced again
  73. denishmmm
  74. denisi see
  75. deniswhere are you from?
  76. HedgehogNL
  77. deniswill you visit the european shogi championship in july in germany?
  78. Hedgehogsadly no, because I'm moving to the UK in a few weeks
  79. denisoh, whats going on there?
  80. Hedgehogmy job
  81. deniswhat you do for a living?
  82. HedgehogI'm a PhD student
  83. deniswhat field?
  84. HedgehogComputer science...
  85. denismore specificly :)?
  86. denisand why "..." its amazing
  87. Hedgehogif I'm more specific I might doxx myself since it's quite niche
  88. Hedgehogin fact if you wanted to you could probably find out who I am with what I've said so far ¬_¬
  89. Hedgehogso plz don't
  90. Hedgehogand the ... is because I feel there's a *lot* of computer scientists on discord and, yep, I guess I'm one of them now
  91. deniswhats the matter
  92. denisim a software dev
  93. denislol
  94. denisbut get it, no personal talk :D
  95. denisAlright, so any more thought on the game :)?
  96. Hedgehogmaybe once we played more games, we can get personal :)
  97. Hedgehogsome more thoughts:
  98. Hedgehogonce again about resigning: finding checkmate is the most important thing to train in shogi, so it is useful to see someone do it
  99. Hedgehogso even if you know you will lose, you will still learn
  100. HedgehogI myself have the habit that I only resign if I can see the checkmate myself
  101. Hedgehogother than that
  102. Hedgehogyou spent some moves moving over your king, and usually you would then also invest the moves to build the castle
  103. Hedgehogalthough I don't play ranging rook so I don't know what kind of castle would be appropriate here
  104. Hedgehogbut it's just kind of funny that you only moved one general once, and it's your last move of the game
  105. Hedgehogthe generals are the heart of shogi - in fact, shogi literally means 'game of generals'
  106. denisoh interesting
  107. Hedgehogso understanding how to use them is key
  108. denisi thought theyre kind of a close combat unit
  109. denisin the first games i got slaughtered because i left holes open in my back ranks
  110. denisso i thought i would use my generals to defend them
  111. Hedgehogthey are usually used defensively, indeed
  112. Hedgehogbut in their starting spaces, they're not very effective
  113. Hedgehogyou want them to be in a formation around the king
  114. Hedgehogexcept
  115. denisyesterday i got slaughtered by a climbing silver
  116. Hedgehogthe silver generals are 'hybrid', they can be used in attack and defenc
  117. Hedgehogso usually you build a castle with two golds and one silver
  118. Hedgehogand use the other silver to attack
  119. denisthats some nice insights, thanks for that!
  120. Hedgehoga combination of a rook, a bishop, a silver and a pawn is an attack that is 'complete' and hard to stop
  121. Hedgehogconcretely, what I'd advise you is the following:
  122. Hedgehogyou play 3rd file rook. This is a fine strategy. You should look up one castle to use when the opponent plays static rook
  123. Hedgehogand one castle for when opponent plays ranging rook
  124. Hedgehogand just play with those castles
  125. denisAlright, thanks a lot :-)
  126. denisdo you have any good study resources besides hadechi on youtube?
  127. Hedgehogshogi buzz has a series on tactics
  128. HedgehogI think miura has many videos where he plays games on SW and afterwards posts a video where he analyses
  129. Hedgehoghe's japanese but there are english subtitles
  130. deniswhat is sw?
  131. Hedgehogshogi wars
  132. Hedgehogit's an app for playing shogi
  133. Hedgehogin general I think you can learn a lot from watching people play and analyse games; so if you don't find it too boring
  134. Hedgehogyou can watch the analysis that's on shogi harbours channel
  135. Hedgehogand also!
  136. Hedgehogdo tsume problems!
  137. denis:-)
  138. Hedgehogand do PGA (post-game analysis)
  139. Hedgehogok, that's all I have to say
  140. Hedgehogthank you for the game
  141. Hedgehogplay you again soon!