Game study: denis - Hedgehog1
Start | 2022/04/20 18:16:24 |
End | 2022/04/20 18:31:18 |
Site | https://lishogi.org/5BhxULn8 |
Event | Casual Classical game |
Time control | 15分+30秒(5)+15秒 |
Sente | denis |
Gote | Hedgehog |
Chat room
- denis
Alright, so i added you - denis
and made you a "participant" - denis
i dont know lol - Hedgehog
ah I reloaded and I can chat! - Hedgehog
ok, let's go - denis
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly06LC7H0go&ab_channel=HIDETCHI - Hedgehog
can you see when I'm going through the moves? - denis
yeah - denis
i started this vid before out game, so i tried to do it x) - Hedgehog
ok I should tell you that I know nothing about 3d file rook and was really scared when you played it - Hedgehog
so I can't tell you if this is joseki or not - Hedgehog
do you know if it is? - denis
no clue - denis
as i said, this was like my 10th game xD - Hedgehog
yes, but you did go for a specific strategy, so maybe you knew... - denis
you did not really play along according to the vid :D - Hedgehog
yeah like I said, I don't know any joseki - Hedgehog
I think bishop exchange might be interesting here - denis
why? - denis
dont you just progress and i dont? - Hedgehog
maybe; I don't know if me playing my silver up is really 'progress' - Hedgehog
and you do get the initiative to put your bishop in a nice square - Hedgehog
but it gets complicated - Hedgehog
but I feel this pawn push just gives me control of the diagonal - denis
i think i needed to play r68 at some point so i can go g78 - Hedgehog
this bishop move is the first move that I think is a mistake - denis
i was really idealess xD - Hedgehog
what ws the reason you played it? - denis
i wanted to remaneuver it to the other side to get stuff there - denis
and give place to the rook - denis
i didnt see i gave up the pawn - Hedgehog
yes, this is one reason i didn't like that pawn to 66, since it ties down the bishop - Hedgehog
ah yeah and this pawn drop just loses a tempo, basically - Hedgehog
see, it's your turn - denis
how that? - Hedgehog
and now, ok, you move to a different spot - denis
ah it was my move not its yours and its the same position - denis
get it - Hedgehog
so you could also have just gone - Hedgehog
and the position is the same - denis
tewari - Hedgehog
so it doesn't lose a tempo, but it also doesn't do anything - denis
whats the lowest shogi rank? 25k? - Hedgehog
I think 10kyu? - Hedgehog
are you a go player? - denis
yeah - Hedgehog
I also came from go - denis
:-) - Hedgehog
there's a lot of shared terms but they're slightly different - denis
what rank did you achieve there? - Hedgehog
about 6kyu at my best, but that was at the local club so there's some large 'error bars' - denis
do you still play it? when did you switch to shogi :D? - denis
ahaha, i see :) - denis
if you want to play some go, hook me up :) - Hedgehog
I only started playing shogi december last year - Hedgehog
so I'm still a beginner myself - Hedgehog
how strong are you in go? - denis
depends on the platform i guess - denis
stoped playing tournaments seriously a while ago - denis
fox 5d, kgs 2d is most accurate i guess - Hedgehog
aah, cool - Hedgehog
well, I would also like to tell you that resigning here felt very sudden to me - denis
maybe thats an attitude i got from playing chcess once in a while - Hedgehog
in chess this is very much the situation, 'lose a piece lose the game' - Hedgehog
but in shogi, material is not so important - denis
when you loose a strong piece with no compensation its usually not inappropriate to just resign - denis
you will just continue to**** my left side, no? - denis
and i get nothing - denis
while you even strengthen your hand - Hedgehog
ok, but this is what can happen: you still have three generals near your king, so you can make a strong castle - Hedgehog
It might be hard for me to attack, and if I mess up the attack I sacrifice some pieces, giving you more in hand - Hedgehog
and suddenly the game is balanced again - denis
hmmm - denis
i see - denis
where are you from? - Hedgehog
NL - denis
will you visit the european shogi championship in july in germany? - Hedgehog
sadly no, because I'm moving to the UK in a few weeks - denis
oh, whats going on there? - Hedgehog
my job - denis
what you do for a living? - Hedgehog
I'm a PhD student - denis
what field? - Hedgehog
Computer science... - denis
more specificly :)? - denis
and why "..." its amazing - Hedgehog
if I'm more specific I might doxx myself since it's quite niche - Hedgehog
in fact if you wanted to you could probably find out who I am with what I've said so far ¬_¬ - Hedgehog
so plz don't - Hedgehog
and the ... is because I feel there's a *lot* of computer scientists on discord and, yep, I guess I'm one of them now - denis
whats the matter - denis
im a software dev - denis
lol - denis
but get it, no personal talk :D - denis
Alright, so any more thought on the game :)? - Hedgehog
maybe once we played more games, we can get personal :) - Hedgehog
some more thoughts: - Hedgehog
once again about resigning: finding checkmate is the most important thing to train in shogi, so it is useful to see someone do it - Hedgehog
so even if you know you will lose, you will still learn - Hedgehog
I myself have the habit that I only resign if I can see the checkmate myself - Hedgehog
other than that - Hedgehog
you spent some moves moving over your king, and usually you would then also invest the moves to build the castle - Hedgehog
although I don't play ranging rook so I don't know what kind of castle would be appropriate here - Hedgehog
but it's just kind of funny that you only moved one general once, and it's your last move of the game - Hedgehog
the generals are the heart of shogi - in fact, shogi literally means 'game of generals' - denis
oh interesting - Hedgehog
so understanding how to use them is key - denis
i thought theyre kind of a close combat unit - denis
in the first games i got slaughtered because i left holes open in my back ranks - denis
so i thought i would use my generals to defend them - Hedgehog
they are usually used defensively, indeed - Hedgehog
but in their starting spaces, they're not very effective - Hedgehog
you want them to be in a formation around the king - Hedgehog
except - denis
yesterday i got slaughtered by a climbing silver - Hedgehog
the silver generals are 'hybrid', they can be used in attack and defenc - Hedgehog
so usually you build a castle with two golds and one silver - Hedgehog
and use the other silver to attack - denis
thats some nice insights, thanks for that! - Hedgehog
a combination of a rook, a bishop, a silver and a pawn is an attack that is 'complete' and hard to stop - Hedgehog
concretely, what I'd advise you is the following: - Hedgehog
you play 3rd file rook. This is a fine strategy. You should look up one castle to use when the opponent plays static rook - Hedgehog
and one castle for when opponent plays ranging rook - Hedgehog
and just play with those castles - denis
Alright, thanks a lot :-) - denis
do you have any good study resources besides hadechi on youtube? - Hedgehog
shogi buzz has a series on tactics - Hedgehog
I think miura has many videos where he plays games on SW and afterwards posts a video where he analyses - Hedgehog
he's japanese but there are english subtitles - denis
what is sw? - Hedgehog
shogi wars - Hedgehog
it's an app for playing shogi - Hedgehog
in general I think you can learn a lot from watching people play and analyse games; so if you don't find it too boring - Hedgehog
you can watch the analysis that's on shogi harbours channel - Hedgehog
and also! - Hedgehog
do tsume problems! - denis
:-) - Hedgehog
and do PGA (post-game analysis) - Hedgehog
ok, that's all I have to say - Hedgehog
thank you for the game - Hedgehog
play you again soon!