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1P-262S-322.P-343.P-254.G-325.P-246.Px247.Rx248.G-339.R-284.B-335.P-766.P-447.S-488.R-429.K-6810.K-6211.K-7812.K-7213.G49-5814.S-6214.K-8215.P-5616.S-7217.P-1618.G41-5219.P-9620.P-943P-254P-345P-246Px247Rx248S-339R-23+10P-4411P-7612G-3213+R-2614R-4214.P*2314.P*2415.P*2316.Gx2315P*241-0 Gote resigns.
Chat room
  1. CasMorningstarso this would have been better right?
  2. IllyaYes
  3. CasMorningstarI think you can now type here too
  4. CasMorningstarOK
  5. CasMorningstarwhat are the possibilities from here then
  6. IllyaEverything
  7. IllyaAlthough here what should you do
  8. IllyaProbably defend the pawn push
  9. IllyaHow do you do that?
  10. CasMorningstarplay some move you normally would
  11. CasMorningstarand let's see
  12. IllyaI just did
  13. CasMorningstarit won't show me
  14. CasMorningstarhold on
  15. IllyaAh you have to make me a contributor
  16. IllyaTop left, go to members, and add me to the study
  17. CasMorningstarright
  18. CasMorningstarOK then
  19. CasMorningstaroh wait
  20. CasMorningstarI thought it was on
  21. CasMorningstaryou should be able to chat now
  22. IllyaOK
  23. IllyaWell, this is fine if you're going static rook
  24. IllyaIt's not how 4th file rook would play
  25. CasMorningstaryes
  26. IllyaAnd moving the gold up is bad shape
  27. CasMorningstarhow would I approach it with a 4th file rook?
  28. CasMorningstarah
  29. IllyaDefend with the bishop
  30. IllyaNow what
  31. IllyaYes
  32. CasMorningstarwait what
  33. IllyaWhat?
  34. CasMorningstarwhy did it take the move back
  35. CasMorningstarOK
  36. IllyaThat's OK, but is not as solid as it could be
  37. IllyaYou want to make this castle usually
  38. CasMorningstarright
  39. IllyaAnd usually, bring the other gold to it
  40. IllyaAnd answer edge pawn pushes
  41. IllyaThis is the Mino castle
  42. IllyaYou usually want to use this with 4th file rook
  43. CasMorningstaraight
  44. IllyaThen try to find a way to exchange rooks
  45. IllyaThat's for the middlegame
  46. CasMorningstarI see
  47. CasMorningstarso exchanging rooks is a focal point
  48. CasMorningstarright?
  49. IllyaIt's what you'd like to achieve here at least
  50. IllyaJust remember the key points
  51. IllyaDefend the rook pawn with the bishop
  52. IllyaBlock the bishop's diagonal
  53. IllyaCastle king
  54. CasMorningstarand Mino Castle
  55. CasMorningstargotach
  56. CasMorningstargotcha
  57. IllyaNot much else to say, you should play against people your level to try this stuff out
  58. IllyaIt should give a little more direction to your game
  59. CasMorningstaraha
  60. CasMorningstarand from here on
  61. IllyaOne more point about the game we played
  62. CasMorningstarI should have a solid foundation for various tactical experiments
  63. CasMorningstarcorrect?
  64. IllyaThis pawn drop
  65. CasMorningstarkinda like LS
  66. CasMorningstarah
  67. IllyaYou needed to defend against it
  68. CasMorningstaror...
  69. CasMorningstarwould this make a difference?
  70. IllyaHigher is a little worrisome
  71. CasMorningstarah
  72. CasMorningstarbecause you told me
  73. IllyaLater in the game I might try to do this
  74. CasMorningstar"drop where your opponent would have dropped"
  75. Illyaproverbs aren't to be blindly followed
  76. CasMorningstarah
  77. IllyaAnd that one I think is better for go than shogi
  78. CasMorningstarwhich one ?
  79. IllyaThe issue here is that it leaves a potential weakness where I can drop in the future
  80. CasMorningstarthere are no drops in go
  81. CasMorningstarright
  82. IllyaIn go, you "play where the opponent wants to play"
  83. IllyaLike in tsumego sometimes the vital point is the same for both side
  84. IllyaBut again, not always
  85. CasMorningstarI see
  86. IllyaJust defend, try not to leave weaknesses in your camp
  87. IllyaYup, not much else to say
  88. CasMorningstaraha
  89. CasMorningstarOK I gotta head back to work, but
  90. CasMorningstarmaybe we can do another one this evening
  91. CasMorningstarjust like yesterday
  92. IllyaA bit late for me
  93. CasMorningstarnow I got a bit of a stronger grasp
  94. CasMorningstaron the fundamentals
  95. IllyaYou should read karakoro's study, and try it out against people your level
  96. CasMorningstarcorrect
  97. CasMorningstarI'll also read Lily's again
  98. CasMorningstarI think I got you
  99. CasMorningstarthanks in any case!
  100. IllyaNo problem!
  101. CasMorningstarstill, let's play again like this
  102. CasMorningstarwhenever possible
  103. IllyaIf I'm up to it