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Chat room
  1. LilyLionmaneand you were attacking where i was strong
  2. Rida3rd file is a good choice here
  3. Ridaactually almost any file is
  4. LilyLionmanei think you lost the game by playing rook on pawns rather than just pulling the rook back
  5. dumbidiot198once I made my rook move away from coordination I was worse
  6. LilyLionmaneyeah this would be interesting maybe rida
  7. Ridathe reasoning behind choosing 4th file is to be closer to the king
  8. dumbidiot198and my plan to spread you thin backfired to make you strong everywhere
  9. LilyLionmaneyup
  10. dumbidiot198gtg
  11. dumbidiot198dinner
  12. LilyLionmanehave a good one
  13. dumbidiot198cya
  14. LilyLionmaneim not sure of the plan here for you rida
  15. LilyLionmanebut this gold shape i made feels interesting
  16. LilyLionmaneso i wanted to try it
  17. Ridanakabisha works too
  18. LilyLionmaneah doesnt uwate usually make kanikakoi though?
  19. RidaHmm I don't like the gold shape, it is interesting but doesnt look good to me
  20. Ridai feel like if this gold shape was on the right
  21. Ridait would have been better
  22. Ridabecause it attacks the bishop
  23. LilyLionmanemaybe but your attack was coming from the left
  24. LilyLionmaneso spending time to defend on the right feels not great for me
  25. RidaI see
  26. LilyLionmanethis became an extremely complicated battle
  27. RidaTrue, it is very complicated
  28. LilyLionmanemaybe just taking the knight is correct
  29. RidaHmm I see
  30. LilyLionmaneand i think this silver move was a turning point
  31. Ridathis was the game changing mistake
  32. RidaYou can find such a move in almost all of our matches ;-;
  33. LilyLionmaneyes. i am able to see short tactics but my intuition is terrible :p
  34. LilyLionmaneand here the rook going back was wrong because it sped up myattack
  35. RidaI see, true
  36. LilyLionmaneinteresting that it also cannot go here
  37. Ridahmm
  38. Ridaah
  39. LilyLionmanenot tsumero here
  40. Ridatrue
  41. LilyLionmaneabout 8 different threatmates for me
  42. LilyLionmaneor just easy mate
  43. LilyLionmane:p
  44. Rida3te XD
  45. RidaWell lesson learnt
  46. RidaDo you know why I took the silver at move 53?
  47. Ridamy thinking process was this:
  48. LilyLionmaneoh king escape
  49. Ridabut then after taking it
  50. LilyLionmaneyeah but 1te hurts more
  51. Ridai noticed the tsume in 1 if i retook
  52. RidaYeah I only noticed after taking
  53. Ridasadly
  54. LilyLionmaneand i actually misread here
  55. LilyLionmaneyou can just drop gold ;w;
  56. LilyLionmaneits probably close to equal
  57. Ridabut then my hope for a counterattack vanishes
  58. RidaT-T
  59. LilyLionmaneremember- if you cant speed up your attack- then you have to slow down mine
  60. RidaGood point
  61. LilyLionmaneand of course thisis tsume
  62. RidaYes
  63. LilyLionmaneit was a good game
  64. RidaI agree, thank you
  65. LilyLionmanethank you
  66. Gerskithx for invite
  67. LilyLionmaneno problem!
  68. LilyLionmanethanks for joining
  69. LilyLionmanenow the last game
  70. LilyLionmane-game 7 was a time forfeit because the other person was afk
  71. LilyLionmaneso i cannot complain about making a castle. i think its very important even in handicap
  72. LilyLionmanebut there is a problem
  73. LilyLionmanein this shape the rook is on the same side as the king and is stuck in the castle
  74. LilyLionmanei think you wanted to make mino castle
  75. LilyLionmaneso a better move order would be this
  76. LilyLionmanemove the rook out of the way first
  77. Gerskiu right
  78. AnnieNonymousYea that makes a lot more sense
  79. LilyLionmaneand here the king is safer and the rook is active
  80. LilyLionmaneits a good rule of thumb to castle on the opposite side of the board as your rook
  81. LilyLionmanebut it is broken in some less common strategies
  82. LilyLionmanelooking at bishop exchange...
  83. LilyLionmaneso right away you moved one of the generals in your castle
  84. LilyLionmaneso your castle became weaker here
  85. LilyLionmanenow around this timing there is some weakness around the king
  86. LilyLionmaneso maybe before starting the fight you can finish castling
  87. AnnieNonymousWhat would a finished castle look like?
  88. LilyLionmanewell this would be ok even
  89. Ridathis is called a "cozy castle"
  90. LilyLionmanebut usually you want 2 golds and 1 silver
  91. AnnieNonymousThis was my second ever game so the structural ideas are new to me
  92. LilyLionmaneno rida this is kimura mino
  93. Ridaohh right
  94. LilyLionmaneah i see
  95. LilyLionmaneyou played very well for having just started
  96. AnnieNonymousI play chess (intermediate level) so some of this makes sense, but I feel like the more I play the more I'll understand
  97. AnnieNonymousI noticed the blocking of the rook as I did it too and felt pretty dumb lol
  98. videos 17-20 of this playlist cover the different castling shapes
  99. AnnieNonymousWould I use my second silver to attack then? Since the castle is 2 gold 1 silver
  100. AnnieNonymousOr would it float somewhere in the middle
  101. LilyLionmaneyes. sometimes you can make a 4 general castle but those can become a bit passive
  102. LilyLionmanethe silver can also defend the other side of the board
  103. LilyLionmaneit can attack
  104. LilyLionmaneor you can even make a 2 general castle
  105. LilyLionmanewith both generals attacking or on the other side
  106. LilyLionmanebut 2 general castles can be a bit dangerous
  107. AnnieNonymousBut the trade off is that I have a weaker defense sure
  108. LilyLionmaneyeah. shogi is a game of balance
  109. LilyLionmaneanything you commit to attacking is not going to be defending and vice versa
  110. Ridathe good thing about 2phc is that you dont need to worry about defense too much
  111. LilyLionmaneits still good to have a castle though
  112. LilyLionmanerida...
  113. Ridayes
  114. LilyLionmaneanyway
  115. LilyLionmanei wouldnt make this pawn move
  116. LilyLionmanesince its right in front of your king its really playing with fire
  117. LilyLionmanei can drop something here at any time
  118. LilyLionmaneand start attacking the king
  119. Rida(i didnt do a castle and I lost so take lily's advice)
  120. AnnieNonymous^
  121. AnnieNonymousThat's something I'm trying to get used to thinking of
  122. LilyLionmanethis is a nice idea
  123. LilyLionmanebut making a tokin here is a bit slow
  124. AnnieNonymousSquares that are open for dropping
  125. Gerskinice commentary LL
  126. LilyLionmaneits 3 moves from affecting my king
  127. LilyLionmaneand its the only attacking piece
  128. LilyLionmaneso i have a lot of time to attack here
  129. LilyLionmanealso i could defend it like this if i needed
  130. AnnieNonymousSo it would've been better to commit pieces to defending against your attack instead
  131. LilyLionmaneat this point i think the problem is your shape is not very coordinated. so its pretty difficult
  132. LilyLionmanethis lance drop is quite scary
  133. LilyLionmaneso i think if yo uwant to make the edge attack here
  134. LilyLionmanedont trade the pieces right away like this
  135. LilyLionmanebut add more pieces to the attack first
  136. LilyLionmaneits a good point to attack from if you coordinate it properly
  137. AnnieNonymousGot it
  138. LilyLionmanealso starting a fight with an unfinished castle is quite dangerous too
  139. LilyLionmanemaybe get a pawn in hand first
  140. Gerskigote lost here
  141. LilyLionmanemaybe something like this
  142. LilyLionmanethis bishop drop is even dangerous actually
  143. LilyLionmaneso i guess dont sac and do this
  144. LilyLionmaneall game specific but its better to build up an attack and make sure you will break through
  145. LilyLionmanethen to rush and give me a chance at counterplay
  146. AnnieNonymousSure
  147. LilyLionmaneyou mentioned that youre a chess player so im sure none of that is news to you though :p
  148. AnnieNonymousI'm only barely 1100 on so it's nothing impressive haha
  149. AnnieNonymousAny advice you can offer is 100% welcome
  150. AnnieNonymousEven if it overlaps with what I'm familiar with
  151. LilyLionmanewell i can help with shogi but not much with chess ;-; only 2000 there
  152. LilyLionmanebut the tactics really favored me here because your shape was a bit awkward
  153. LilyLionmanenotice how all of these generals are disconnected
  154. AnnieNonymousYea
  155. LilyLionmaneideally you want your generals to be connected
  156. AnnieNonymousIt's literally a red carpet welcome for you
  157. LilyLionmanelike this
  158. LilyLionmanesee how they all defend eachother
  159. AnnieNonymousRight
  160. LilyLionmanealso the shape i made sort of has that purpose
  161. LilyLionmanepretty much no matter what i do if the fight happens in the center my generals will stay somewhat connected
  162. LilyLionmaneso its possible for me to defend and defend and defend then counterattack once i have pieces in hand
  163. LilyLionmanei mentioned this hole earlyer
  164. LilyLionmaneearlier
  165. LilyLionmanesee how much slower my attack would be if i couldnt drop there.
  166. LilyLionmanei wouldnt have such an easy time to surround the king
  167. LilyLionmaneso pushing that pawn earlier was a big mistake
  168. AnnieNonymousBasically cost me the match yea
  169. LilyLionmanejust imagining theres a pawn here
  170. LilyLionmanemy bishop has to come back
  171. LilyLionmanethen you can maybe make a scary attack from the side like this
  172. LilyLionmaneshogi is not a game of material like chess is. its a game of speed.
  173. LilyLionmaneso in this position im very close to making checkmate threats
  174. LilyLionmaneand you are still really far from my king
  175. LilyLionmaneso in this endgame i have the advantage
  176. LilyLionmanethen pulling back the silver here removed both defenders of the mating square
  177. LilyLionmanethis is a super important pattern to remember
  178. LilyLionmanecalled gold on head
  179. LilyLionmanei think its the first pattern that is shown in killerduckys tsume study actually
  180. AnnieNonymousAfter this game I don't think I'll ever forget it haha
  181. LilyLionmanethen i guess this variation you can see that i am able to make an attack and youre not able to yet
  182. LilyLionmaneso i have a huge advantage
  183. LilyLionmanei would say the worst situation in shogi- is one where you just have to defend and defend and dont have any way to make a counterattack
  184. LilyLionmanewith piece drops. no defense will hold forever
  185. AnnieNonymousWhen trying to create an attack, does it make sense to go for flank attacks, or is it generally just better to strike in the centre?
  186. LilyLionmaneit depends
  187. LilyLionmaneattack where your opponent is weak
  188. LilyLionmaneso i think videos 14 then 17-20 of this playlist are super important. for castling
  189. LilyLionmanethen 30-34 for endgame
  190. LilyLionmaneand i guess 16 eventually but impasse wont be relevant for a while anyway so dont worry too much about it
  191. AnnieNonymousI'll binge watch those tonight then
  192. LilyLionmaneyeah theyre a really good resource
  193. LilyLionmanehidetchi is all of our sensei i think
  194. LilyLionmaneand karo
  195. RidaThank you for the game and analysis
  196. AnnieNonymousI'll have to send them both a letter of thanks then haha
  197. AnnieNonymousThanks so much! It was super fun and really helpful
  198. LilyLionmaneim glad!
  199. LilyLionmanethanks everyone from playing!
  200. benjaminshuitthank you ;D