Static Rook vs Gote's Shikenbisha with Bishop Exchange 【Takodori's Book Lines】

10 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1.1-1: Sente's S-7g at the 15th move
  2. 1.1-2: Sente's P-4f at the 15th move
  3. 1.1-3: Sente's G4i-5h at the 15th move - 1
  4. 1.1-4: Sente's G4i-5h at the 15th move - 2
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

Beat Gote's Ibisha Anaguma with Sente's Shikenbisha Anaguma 【Takodori's Book Lines】

12 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1-1: Gote 26. S-4d with G6a-5b sometime before
  2. 1-2: Gote 24. S-4d with G6a
  3. 2-0: Gote 26. P-4d with 30. G4c
  4. 2-1: Gote 26. P-4d with 30. G4c - Pawn push sacrifice and counter-attack with 42
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

Current Gote's Shikenbisha vs Sente's Ibisha Anaguma 【Takodori's Book Lines】

14 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Old Fujii System
  2. Current Fujii System
  3. Latest Shikenbisha Anaguma vs Ibisha Anaguma
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained


2 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. LilyLionmane's Most Evilest Tsume
  4. Mipha's Friendly Tsume
  1. hirohiigo
  2. koshiro
  3. ASwellFellow
  4. ShogiExplained

Game study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. mrBigBrother - ShogiExplained
  1. mrBigBrother
  2. LilyLionmane
  3. ShogiExplained

Game study

2 - ShogiExplained -
  1. ShogiExplained - Lisztszian
  2. Lisztszian - ShogiExplained
  1. Nimyu
  2. Lisztszian
  3. ShogiExplained
  4. CtripleA

American Shogi Gym - Season 1

2 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Ezra - pannic
  2. LilyLionmane - pannic
  1. LilyLionmane
  2. ShogiExplained
  3. Ezra

Mate or No Mate?

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Broken Anaguma: Mate or No Mate? (fixed)
  1. LP Shogi_Harbour
  2. ShogiExplained

Game study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. EarlGreySupreme - ShogiExplained
  1. jienjien
  2. ShogiExplained
  3. EarlGreySupreme

Kōji Tanigawa's Laws of Endgame! (Advanced) Exercise #2.8

11 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Rook & Silver in Hand
  2. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Bishop & Knight in Hand
  3. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Rook and Knight in Hand
  4. 22K + 23P + 14P vs 43D: Gold and Pawn in Hand
  1. LP Shogi_Harbour
  2. ShogiExplained

Game study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. shogimaster12 - ShogiExplained
  1. shogimaster12
  2. ShogiExplained

Game study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. jienjien - ShogiExplained
  1. ShogiExplained

ShogiExplained's Study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1st Rank King #19
  2. 1st Rank King #20
  1. ShogiExplained

ShogiExplained's Study

6 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Asperatology Game #1: Luke vs Thompson
  2. Asperatology Game #2: Luke vs Kurusu
  1. LilyLionmane
  2. ShogiExplained

Game study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. WhiteKnight - ShogiExplained
  1. ShogiExplained
  2. WhiteKnight

Game study

1 - ShogiExplained -
  1. WhiteKnight - ShogiExplained
  1. ShogiExplained
  2. WhiteKnight