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Gin Kammuri or Silver Crown is a variation of Mino castle. It is a strong castle for Ranging Rook players and is a better form of Mino. It is very flexible too. You can make this in a number of move orders or just shift to a standard Mino castle or any other variant in between.1P-762P-843B-774P-345P-666R-627R-688P-649K-4810K-4211P-16You push the pawn here. That is because if you don't do so, you give your opponent the initiative to move his pawn to P-14 first which might a chance to initiate attack on your king side later on.12P-1413S-7814S-7215K-3816G61-5217P-5618S-6319K-2820S-5421P-4622S-3223S-3824K-3125G69-5826P-4427G-4728B-3329P-3630G41-4231N-3732P-7433P-2634P-24As you can see, you have developed almost all your pawns to defend as well as attack. This is a plus point for this opening.35S-27The demerit of this castle. As you can see you can't avoid hanging your gold general on the last rank. At this time your opponent will most probably start an open fire, so be careful.36K-2237G-38This is the position for Silver Crown opening or Gin Kammuri. If you are playing against this, the best method is to make a strong castle too for example, Bear in the Hole/Anaguma rather than going all-out for an attack.
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