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  1. Shymonthe real use of boat castle
  2. Shymonsee the pawn waves?
  3. Shymonok
  4. Shymonthis is like the start of 4th file vrs static
  5. Shymonmany moves from here
  6. Shymoncrab yeah
  7. Shymoninto snowroof
  8. Shymonsee these lines of attacks?
  9. Shymonit depends
  10. Shymonthis can be double edged for sure
  11. Shymonactuually static vrs static is double edged
  12. Shymonin general
  13. Shymonit's much more of a race then other styles
  14. Shymonthis is the bishop exchange castle
  15. Shymonthis is called double reclining silver
  16. Shymonit's also the starting point of 50000000 pro games
  17. Shymonthe silver has a chair
  18. Shymonit's reclining
  19. Shymonthis is the most agressive and wild opening
  20. Shymonthere will be no castle for anyone
  21. Shymonthis gets stupid real fast
  22. Shymonyeah
  23. Shymonjust open up the bishops to avoid it unless you love book openings 30 moves long
  24. Shymoncan make crab here
  25. Shymonwow ok stockfish has interesting ideas lol
  26. Shymonno it's not
  27. Shymoni was just following what stockfish wanted
  28. Shymonit's.....not good
  29. Shymonyagura vrs snowroof here
  30. Shymonyagura
  31. Shymonthe most "historical" castle
  32. Shymonit's got the most theroy
  33. Shymonanaguma
  34. Shymonthis is another way to play 4th file
  35. Shymonwhen you play the knight away
  36. Shymonfrom the castke
  37. Shymonyou get a great trophy on shogi wars :)
  38. Shymonyeah
  39. Shymontaking of your panties
  40. Shymonbut in japanese
  41. Shymonoff*
  42. Shymoni am serious
  43. Shymonworth it just for the rediculousness