5|10 - Blitz - Rated1 year agoCollete1290? +121Sitojumi1735 −10Checkmate, Sente is victorious103 moves
0|15 - Blitz - Rated1 year agoCollete1369? −79SoFarSoBook1307 +11Time out, Gote is victorious44 moves
0|15 - Blitz - Rated1 year agoSoFarSoBook1292 +15Collete1493? −124Time out, Sente is victorious91 moves
0|15 - Blitz - Rated1 year agoCollete1429? +64SoFarSoBook1299 −7Gote resigned, Sente is victorious39 moves
10|0 - Rapid - Rated1 year agoBlaidd1250? −54Collete1477? +21Sente left the game, Gote is victorious34 moves
2+2 - Bullet - Rated1 year agoCollete1500? −86qinoa-ninngenn1744 +4Checkmate, Gote is victorious64 moves
10|0 - Rapid - Rated1 year agozbxah1495 +10Collete1536? −59Gote left the game, Sente is victorious101 moves
10|0 - Rapid - Rated1 year agoCollete1588? −52hitman511640 +21Time out, Gote is victorious76 movesComputer analysis available
5|10 - Blitz - Rated1 year agoCollete1477? −48kikainatomodati1716 +12Time out, Gote is victorious68 movesComputer analysis available
5|10 - Blitz - Rated1 year agokikainatomodati1699 +17Collete1573? −96Checkmate, Sente is victorious79 movesComputer analysis available
10|0 - Rapid - Rated1 year agoCollete1646? −58goodspring1714 +17Time out, Gote is victorious62 movesComputer analysis available
10|0 - Rapid - Rated1 year agozbxah1503 −8Collete1573? +73Checkmate, Gote is victorious90 movesComputer analysis available