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I played competitive chess for a few years, but it got a bit boring. In 2020 I started learning Japanese, and wanted to learn more about Japanese culture, and had heard of Shogi. I was excited to try it and made my account here on Feb. 1st 2021. 僕は数年間競争的なチェスをやっていたが飽きてきてしまった。2020年に日本語を習い始めて、もっと日本の文化を知りたくなった。将棋というものを耳にし、試してみたくなって2021年2月1日にアカウントを作った。

Member since 2 Feb 2021
Game completion rate: 100%
Time spent playing: 12 hours and 40 minutes
Time on TV: 5 hours and 29 minutes