IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/07/10wenheluanwu1qaz2wsx3edcCheckmate, Gote is victorious80 movesKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/8/29 21:49:01先手wenheSente resigned, Gote is victorious42 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/8/29 21:49:01先手方wen'heSente resigned, Gote is victorious42 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/08/27 09:00藤井聡太王位渡辺明九段Gote resigned, Sente is victorious97 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/08/27 09:00藤井聡太王位渡辺明九段Sente to play44 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/08/19 09:00渡辺明九段藤井聡太王位Sente to play42 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard1607/06/01 8:05:43初代大橋宗桂本因坊算砂Gote resigned, Sente is victorious133 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard 藤井聡太王位渡辺明九段Gote resigned, Sente is victorious111 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/06/27mikanorenji621wenheluanwuCheckmate, Gote is victorious152 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu
IMPORT by Luanwu - Standard2024/03/30 13:51:42LuanwuFairy Stockfish level 1Checkmate, Sente is victorious89 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by Luanwu