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Gote resigned, Sente is victorious
開始日時:2024/11/13 01:00:13 終了日時:2024/11/13 01:13:07 棋戦:Casual Rapid game 場所:https://lishogi.org/oPOS9RUQ 持ち時間:10分+30秒 手合割:平手 先手:Jackni2016 後手:Xavior101 手数----指手---------消費時間-- 1 6八飛(28) 2 3四歩(33) 3 3八銀(39) 4 3二金(41) 5 4八玉(59) 6 4二銀(31) 7 3九玉(48) 8 4四歩(43) 9 1六歩(17) 10 3三金(32) 11 2八玉(39) 12 3二金(33) 13 5八金(69) 14 5二金(61) 15 7八銀(79) 16 3三銀(42) 17 7六歩(77) 18 4三金(52) 19 4六歩(47) 20 5四歩(53) 21 5六歩(57) 22 4一玉(51) 23 4七金(58) 24 3一角(22) 25 6六歩(67) 26 4二角(31) 27 6五歩(66) 28 6二銀(71) 29 7七銀(78) 30 5三銀(62) 31 6六銀(77) 32 3一玉(41) 33 5五歩(56) 34 8四歩(83) 35 5四歩(55) 36 同 銀(53) 37 5五歩打 38 6五銀(54) 39 同 銀(66) 40 8五歩(84) 41 7七銀打 42 5二飛(82) 43 5四銀(65) 44 同 金(43) 45 同 歩(55) 46 同 飛(52) 47 6三飛成(68) 48 4三銀打 49 5六歩打 50 6七歩打 51 同 龍(63) 52 6四飛(54) 53 同 龍(67) 54 同 角(42) 55 6一飛打 56 2二玉(31) 57 6四飛成(61) 58 7八飛打 59 7九金打 60 8八飛成(78) 61 同 金(79) 62 5二角打 63 6二龍(64) 64 1四歩(13) 65 8二龍(62) 66 6三角(52) 67 9一龍(82) 68 7四歩(73) 69 6九香打 70 5四角(63) 71 5五歩(56) 72 7二角(54) 73 6二香成(69) 74 9四角(72) 75 8一龍(91) 76 4二金(32) 77 8四龍(81) 78 投了
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Spectator room
  1. Papermaskhow was the game?
  2. Jackni2016It was ok
  3. Papermaskcould it have gone better?
  4. Jackni2016yes
  5. Papermaskwhat would you have done differently?
  6. Jackni2016I don't think move my pawn to 55 is good at move 33
  7. PapermaskI thought it was ok. you got a silver from that
  8. Papermaskmy thoughts though is that on move 41, you drop your silver to 7 7
  9. Papermaskhad you moved your bishop there, you could have kept your silver for something else
  10. Jackni2016yea but I thought he can just take the pwan and put it back down
  11. Papermask*though... it did work out for getting his rook later one
  12. Papermaskhow so?
  13. Jackni2016is move 41 bad?
  14. Papermaskdon't think it's bad
  15. Jackni2016i don't know what do if he keep pushing the pawn
  16. Jackni2016that why I put my silver down
  17. PapermaskI mean: it does mean that if he tried to do a bishop exchange, he's get your silver instead
  18. Jackni2016ok
  19. Papermaskwell let's see....
  20. Papermaskif you move bishop to 7 7 instead....
  21. Papermaskthen pawn push....
  22. Papermaskbishop exchange....
  23. Papermaskrook takes and is on 8 6
  24. Jackni2016hmm
  25. Papermaskmaybe bishop drop to 7 5?
  26. Papermaskcheck, and threatening rook
  27. Jackni2016can he just not drop bishop
  28. Papermaskdefends with bishop drop to 4 2?
  29. Jackni2016yeah
  30. Papermaska fair reply, I'd say
  31. Jackni2016ok
  32. Papermaskyou could still just take his rook though
  33. Papermaskthen he take bishop, putting pressure on your rook
  34. Papermaskbut maybe move rook to 8 8?
  35. Jackni2016but then after bishop take back he attack my rook
  36. Papermasknot only attacking his bishop but making x-ray attack to his knight
  37. Jackni2016what about pawn drop on 85?
  38. Papermasknot too bad
  39. Papermaskbut you still have a rook in hand :]
  40. Papermaskmaybe drop rook on back rank, checking and getting ready to take knight anyway?
  41. Jackni2016oh yeah I can just drop rook on 82
  42. Papermaskuh, yeah you could do that too
  43. Jackni2016ok
  44. Jackni2016thx for the help
  45. Papermaskno problem :]
  46. Papermaskis there anything else on this game we could look at?
  47. Jackni2016move 59 i don't know if that is good ornot
  48. Papermaskwell, it worked! I would have dropped gold to 6 8, personally
  49. Jackni2016is 68 better?
  50. Papermaskthen he takes bishop, then take rook with silver
  51. Jackni2016oh ok
  52. Papermaskumm, not sure if better, but I like how the metal pieces are layed out in this situation
  53. Jackni2016i see
  54. Papermaskin this case, there is no place for a drop in your camp
  55. Jackni2016ok
  56. Papermask*however, in this case, the drawback is that your gold on 6 8 would be a floating piece
  57. Papermaskso just be careful there, and you should be ok
  58. Jackni2016yea I will that in mind
  59. Papermaskcool :]
  60. Papermaskwould you like to have a game with me?
  61. Jackni2016how long have you been playing this game?
  62. Papermaskum, a few years now
  63. Jackni2016I am new too this game
  64. Papermaskthat's ok. we all start out somewhere :]
  65. Jackni2016thx
  66. Papermaskso, what would you like to do now?
  67. Jackni2016Idk
  68. Papermaskwould you like to have a game with me?
  69. Jackni2016sure
  70. Papermaskok, would you like to host it?
  71. Jackni2016i don't know how too
  72. Papermaskok, one moment...