IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13priusmataneGote resigned, Sente is victorious75 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13mataneakinekoGote resigned, Sente is victorious79 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13mataneqwerty81Sente resigned, Gote is victorious66 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13matanekabo8888Gote resigned, Sente is victorious77 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13mataneSirius0Black0Gote resigned, Sente is victorious115 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13mataneQwertyPersonCheckmate, Sente is victorious73 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/13BalintmataneSente to play104 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/12cliffvineLilyLionmaneGote resigned, Sente is victorious113 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/12mataneErwinSmithGote to play35 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/12ErwinSmithmataneSente resigned, Gote is victorious64 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/12Sirius0Black0mataneCheckmate, Sente is victorious65 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane
IMPORT by matane - Standard2023/03/12tenukimataneSente resigned, Gote is victorious86 movesComputer analysis availableKIF import by matane